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Do some people just have bad luck? You know, like a jinxed life or something. This has nothing to do with religion. I didn't know where to put this but got the info today and thought I would post it.

A woman of about 37 and known to many of us in my area was last seen running naked and screaming a few days ago as she ran from a man's car. Sex and dope involved most of her life, she is now mentally challenged and reportedly has breast cancer which is eating her alive. Apparently she was trading sex for dope or dope money and that was why she was in the guy's car. In her current state anything could have went wrong and her life has been one of in and out of prison because of her addictions.

I knew her parents years ago and her mother went to school with my children's mother. A very clean cut couple. Both her parents seemed nice and no addictions, then the father ended up big as a house years later and he would drink anything and take all drugs. He was put in a home because of this and he escaped a couple of times. His addictions killed him in the end. Things went to hell for the rest of his family too.

I'm not sure if the fate of the father is what put the mother into this activity or what, but she was deep into drugs back home during this time and both of her daughters right along with her. I've mentioned the 37 year old above. The mother is now dead from all this also, and the older daughter has recovered from dope and alcohol. As far as I know she recovered on her own. Nobody tried to help this family overcome dope and alcohol but instead tried to get them into drugs and booze for sex purposes. I cannot say if the state offered them any programs or if they turned them down. All I know for sure is that it is kinda sad. I knew the father and mother since the 1970's and now many of us expect a report that the 37 year old will be found dead.

Wasted lives and all just too sad. No sense of purpose here at all.

DenoPenno 9 May 21
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UPDATE: I reported here with no names, my own concerns for the woman's safety, and also trying to keep a wall of privacy. All of that is over now and the full truth can come out. The body of Jamie Jost was found in a wooded area of St. Clair, Mo. just a week ago. Her sister, Annie, reported the series of events I have described here to her first cousin who gave me the info. Annie is the last surviving member of that immediate family. I believe the story to have happened much as I described it. There was no foul play because Jamie Jost at 37 was ate up with cancer. I think she realized it was too late and she also did not know what to do. If you follow my link her picture does not really do her justice. She will be missed.

I can't copy and paste to save my life tonight. Search Jamie Jost in Facebook or search the Net for her body being found in St. Clair, Mo. In FB she had 2 accounts with one for Sullivan, Mo. and the other for Robertsville, Mo.

DenoPenno Level 9 June 2, 2021

We rarely know what is happening in other people’s homes, never mind their heads. But people older than her have turned things around, especially if by dope you mean heroin?
It’s a really sad and dangerous situation that she’s in. Most people find getting away from their current friends and dealers by moving can help, then connect with NA or other programme. But it’s not easy for some people to change.
As for a jinxed life, we’re dealt with a pack of cards and some are better at playing with a dud hand than others.
The original St Nicholas story springs to mind: a benevolent man giving his neighbour’s daughters a chance in life.


The risk of developing drug and alcohol problems is higher in children whose parents abuse alcohol or drugs, so is it “luck” or environment that is responsible? Either way, it is tragic.

KateOahu Level 8 May 22, 2021

Some people have good luck. Some people have bad luck. Most folks probably have a bit of both.

Sticks48 Level 9 May 22, 2021

Keep in mind that my writing here is vague because I knew this family very well. The 37 year old has no chance of ever recovering and parts of her system is shutting down. Once attractive, she is a mental and physical wreck beyond repair and now has cancer also. Exactly when the father, mother, and daughters all got overwhelmed by drugs is not clear to many of us here.. The 37 year old was given drugs for sex at a young age to get her started. It was also said years ago that she has an uncurable sexual disease of some sort.

The propensity for drug addiction is hereditary.


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