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Thought I would let other members interested know the colonoscopy I mention in my earlier post went ok today. Nothing, polyps, etc. found. I also had an endoscopy performed through my esophagus because of increased acid reflux symptoms. He took a biopsy so I won't know about that for a few days. The dr. didn't seem too concerned, said it was just routine.

Ray13 8 Nov 2
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I found the endoscopy procedure much more frightening than the colonoscopy. Neither films were too exciting, though. I wish you all the best and only negative outcomes.


Sounds good. I've had both several times, & I do have reflux, which I take prescription for.

@Ray13 Yes, I had many types of OTC until they no longer worked. Then ran a gamut of prescriptions until finding Rabeprazole, which needed a doctor's note to be covered by our medical.

@Lilac-JadeCanada I take three different medications but not the one you listed for my reflux. I'm also modifying my diet. Have you given up some foods and drinks? I'm avoiding spices and limiting caffeine which is a big drag.

@Lorajay Yes, I changed my diet to more vegetables, fruits, high fiber foods, & stopped or lowered the white foods......potatoes, rice, white flour products, & went to brown breads, rice, etc.
Garlic is a very bad no-no, & beef doesn't like me much either to I eat very very little beef. I'm fine with most spices other than the garlic, so I've gotten to the point of not having to watch so closely, & eat pretty normally, but smaller portions. I don't snack, or eat junk food, & eat at meal time, not in between. I drink water, green& black tea, two cups of a good coffee per day, & drink de-alcolized beers & wines. I have found some that when really cold are quite good.

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