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The older I get, the harder it is to find and make friends. I've chatted with several dozens of people on various sites over the last 12 years since I left high school, but rarely do the conversations survive more than a few weeks or maybe months. Being a stay at home mom and strictly online college student, I think makes it even more difficult to form bonds. I keep trying, but sometimes it becomes so disheartening that I don't know why I bother trying.

I understand that friendships are hard, almost as hard if not more so than a marriage. I realize that not everyone will get along, but I wonder what I'm doing wrong that people just don't care enough to stick around.

Thanks for reading my pathetic rant.

Aivery 7 June 27
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I agree - the older I get, the harder it is. I always thought it would be easier.

westvir Level 4 July 9, 2018

I think it might be the fact that our lifestyles changed throughout the years? I don't know I don't have over 2 close friends and that's including family. Lol


I am 57 years old and I still have my two best friends from high school, one a Christian and the other an Agnostic and I am the Atheist in our trio, It isn't how many friends you have but the quality of the relationships that really matters. These two guys are like brothers to me and we all have each others backs through thick and thin. I am seeing on this site more and more like minded people not that far from me. One lady is only 40 minutes away. I am sure you will be able to make friends here and some will be close geographically as well. Hang in there!

misstuffy Level 7 June 29, 2018

I don’t think it is a pathetic rant. I consider you a very brave and honest woman which is just like the kind of person I would like as a friend.
I found when I got sick with a chronic lifelong ailment that I was abandoned by friends whom I had felt like family for almost a decade. So there are various components when it comes to friendships.
As we get older we get stuck in our ways and if we have friends it is as if we consider our life full and why bother adding friends.
I’m a very open person as it says in my bio, and that tends to scare people away. But I don’t mind.....I’m looking for people who don’t make their decisions out of fear.
But I’m here...I apologize we do not live nearby....but if you ever want to MESSAGE me for ANY reason you are welcome to. Hang in there FRIEND.

Cbabcoco Level 6 June 28, 2018

It's hard to communicate solely online... it's kinda like when you call someone because you really want to talk.... they don't answer, then text back... What...

Irie Level 4 June 28, 2018

I have thinking about that myself. i've been using the internet to connect to people for years with different results. couple long standing friendships including a gorgeous woman from mexico whom i've seem growing into a wonderful artists from the distance that separate us.
have had a couple or relationships but you are right, it is hard.
we are constantly bombarded with information and offer to capture our attention that it is difficult for anyone to gain let alone keep anyone attention.

Gonsalo Level 4 July 23, 2018

I agree with you. I have a really small circle of friends because I do not settle just to have people around me. There is nothing pathetic about being honest, nor is there anything pathetic about expecting the same.
Being comfortable with oneself is also important.

Skeptic66 Level 7 July 18, 2018

This is anything but a pathetic rant. I had this conversation with someone just the other day. I've spent a lot of time thinking about it, and the reason I struggle so much is that I always feel like I have to keep so much of myself hidden. Every time I open myself up even a little bit, something I say, think or do ends up coming back to haunt me.

I'll never understand why it's so important for so many people to tear down what is different than them. Why can't people just respect, embrace, and honor the difference? Why do we always have to put on a happy face, pretend life is perfect, and never show our real selves?

That is why I don't make friends, often at all. I'm to the point of being so tired of having to pretend, that frankly, if I can't just be me, it's not worth it.


I have a low bullshit tolerance. I find most people judge me without getting to know me.

Alynscott Level 5 July 13, 2018

Being a stay at home Mom and doing classes online makes things difficult...If you have ANY time to join a class or group with other people, like yoga or painting it gets easier...When you're in a group with similar interests and start telling your stories others will connect with you easier.....then take a little time to frequent local places on a regular basis..acquaintances that you make will turn into friends in time...

Deb, a former stay at home Mom

I agree. Getting out helps more.


There has to be shared experience and the right chemistry and the right circumstances for lasting friendship. And even then it can evaporate under the pressure of outside forces. The only thing to do is to keep trying and present your true self.

Meekinator Level 2 June 30, 2018

It is no rant. I feel the same way sometimes ! The answer is just love yourself and everyone else will fall into line behind you !

VAL3941 Level 8 June 28, 2018

I think online friendships are difficult to maintain. As with any relationship chemistry is everything, and that requires up close and personal. IMO

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 3, 2018

Keep in mind a saying I live by: He (she) who has many friends, has few friends indeed. I am friendly with many people and many people like me. Friendship is another level and degree. I have perhaps six friends, two I've known almost my entire life. I am amazed I have so many. So hang in there.

Mitch07102 Level 8 July 9, 2018

I think the trick is you have to DO things that you love together? What are your hobbies and interests? Whatever it is, go and do it together. their hobbies too.

MrLink Level 8 June 29, 2018

Dear Aivery,
I must apologize I thought you were a single mom. You are not. You are a stay at home mom. I removed all of my posts relating to dating. You are looking for friendship Perhaps you might go to the park where children are at play. Or a children's museum. You might do a search for activities involving moms & children in your area. Community houses or centers. I am an introvert so I do not seek friends but I wish you luck in your search. My harshness was misdirected.

Mooolah Level 8 June 28, 2018

@Aivery I am sorry for your situation. Hang in there. It won't always be this way. & you will make friends here. Perhaps you already have.

@Countrywoman where is that? sounds scary.


True, its really hard for adults to make new friends. most of the friends we have are the one we've known for like forever.

temopele Level 3 June 28, 2018

This is what happens when you are real! it takes courage to speak how you really feel and not just say what everyone wants to hear to become popular! Never stop expressing your thoughts because it takes a life time to learn how to continually articulate them better!


As a Mom, especially a new stay at home mom (until kid was 2), I found it hard, too. But it isn't impossible. First, find (or create) a Mom's club. Meet with other Moms. You may or may not click well with some or most of them, but you might find after sticking with it a while that you at least have some laughs with other Moms. Also, if your on-line classes are in the same town as the University holding them, then form a study group - just say I'll be at this coffee shop at this time weekly and I want people to study with. If the students are from farther away, that might not work. Also, don't discard the idea of friendship with people who are only interesting or like you in some ways. It is ok to have less-deep-friendships with those who are really only friends because of one or two shared interests. Take what you can get, but don't worry if they aren't deep, life long, friends. And make several of them with interests in different areas, so you don't overload one part-friend. Spread yourself out over several part-friends. Make enough half hearted friends and one or two might grow into something deeper. Especially as the kids grow, Moms of other kids become friends. Use those connections. How about wives of your husband's friends? Have his friends and their families over for dinner, or something, see who seems like decent people to befriend apart from the husbands. When you finish your degree, and your kids are in grade school, it does get easier, as you will be out in the world more. Good luck! Chin up! "This too shall pass!"

Holli Level 6 June 28, 2018

Children have very low standards for friendship, plus minimal responsibilities and lots of free time.

I'm an extrovert and making good acquaintances is easy. Making genuine, lasting friendships where we can have fun AND talk serious is harder but possible.

I hang out with some academics and other nerds, plus attend a Unitarian Universalist church so that helps a lot. People expect more serious discussions w nerds or at "church". If you don't know UU, we're basically a community of non-believers who support each other and get tax exempt status. Some very liberal Christians who can't stand idiocy in their churches might attend. My UU has one woman who says she's Xtian.

Two weeks ago I had a bad bike wreck, a UU picked me up from the ER and I had to ask my fellow UUs to stop bringing food after a few days. Community is nice.

@Aivery Unitarians is a great idea. Depends on the church, though. Some are pure philosophy and cool, and some are pretty 'churchy' but with the caviot that you still don't have to believe anything in any one way to be accepted.There are two in Memphis - one is more conservative than the other. The more liberal one is welcoming of so many it is silly - like lectures on the healing power of crystals, and other malarky. BUT the people are very nice, open, helpful, and giving. They have lots of volunteers for liberal socially good goals. So go, meet some cool, some odd, people and see what comes of it.

@Aivery I first heard of UUs in Oklahoma, oddly the largest UU in the country is in Tulsa, but mine was small and every week there was a high level class in Sunday school on various topics. Often the teacher had a masters or PhD, FREE EDUCATION! Never thought I'd go to "church" or enjoy Sunday school :0

Some UUs are hard left, occaisionally you'll find a UU with a cross hanging up and the minister wears vestments but that's rare.

There's no doctrine, but these are the guiding principles for all UUs. Notice the rainbodw, UUs are GLBTQ+ friendly.

1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3rd Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
4th Principle: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5th Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
6th Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
7th Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

@educatedredneck This is true. When my family moved to this new area we went to a UU church. LOL...I called it the talk show church because that was what it was it was a person walking around with a microphone asking people to express their views on various topics. And I actually still have a magnet with those principles on my refrigerator.


You have to find people who have shared interests. For instance I'm a political activist, I have met lots if people with my shared interest. We get involved get out and do things together. You only need a small circle of friends. Anything else are just acquaintances.

vnufall Level 7 July 25, 2018

All of my best friends were older than me and have been dying off. I have lost 4 in the past 5 years. At 60, it is very difficult to find others to fill the void that has been left. I think the only way to meet people of similar interests and values is to become active in local clubs / organizations that have the kind of people you want to meet. I am in two local photography clubs. I need to find some other groups as well.
Aivery, you need to set aside some time for yourself, to go out and meet some adults.

@Aivery even if it's just an hour or two, every other week? Is there no one who can keep them for a while, or are you just not comfortable leaving them with anyone. Just a thought.

@Aivery go to the park. when i was a single parent, that's where i went and made a really good friend. sometimes she would babysit my kid and other times i would babysit hers. or we would spend lots of time together doing activities with the children.


I sympathise. Have you tried to get out? Maybe hokn local mums or clubs of interest.
Good kuck.

CarlosEsmi Level 5 June 28, 2018

There are some free resources on the Internet devoted to this subject. Making friends and maintaining friendships is a definite skill.


I typed in Google: "How to make friends", and it provided this link first:


As an aside.. I know a few people on social media only, who have no friends at all. It's not as uncommon as people think.

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