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Catholic Predator Priests have irked my conscience since the 1980s. At the time, I considered those revelations "the last nails in the coffin" with respect to my Catholic upbringing. Thirty years later, the saga continues, and the sexual predation has been revealed to extend through many countries. Why would one not expect this evil to exist throughout the entire reach of the Catholic church? Willful denial is the only answer to that question. The full truth is the predation is not merely the sexual exploitation of children, but the wholesale financial and emotional predation upon the believers for the benefit of the most profitable, least productive organization in the history of humanity: easy money using guilt and hope to promote the voluntary surrender of wealth, happiness and freedom, all in the name of god and the myth of eternal life...

STLChris1963 4 Sep 2
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they ask for a lot of trust


Unfortunately preying on the vulnerable isn't limited to religious denomination, otherwise it would be so much simpler to stamp out. I guess if you want to see people prey on the vulnerable all you need to do is observe places where they are in numbers and given time you'll find a person who thinks for some reason it's ok to assert their will over them in one way or another. The young are still the only group it's ok to strike in most cultures, with an adult that would be assault.


Well put.


it amazes me how churches continue to parishioners


I'd think catholics would be running away in droves.

You would think that but they just become quiet and look the other way. Like a husband whos having an affair and the wife just looks the other way.

@vnufall I will never understand that. I was indoctrinated. Twelve years of catholic school. I was never abused. I left because of the misogyny. Little did I realize, they don’t want women around to blow the whistle on their sex clubs. Thus the reason for the misogyny. They are evil and they hide behind god.

@IAmLove I had Catholic school for 12 years too, high school was all girl Catholic high school. I left the church in my mid 20s..didn't like no birth control, no women priests, i wanted Roe vWade. Just not liberal enough for me. I had no experience with abuse, I must admit.


I hear you.

pixiedust Level 8 Sep 2, 2018

All organized groups protect their members, it's sickening

sellinger Level 7 Sep 2, 2018
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