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Do you believe religion will die out in the future?

Lady-DebianLinux 7 Jan 22
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Yes Absolutely, The big picture, the larger take on things shows this clearly. We began with very strict archaic religion. Rituals and the sort, Then churches broke away is sects and multiplied determined by some belief. Now, today , we see technology, instant news and so on, we are moving towards rejecting the old myths in exchange for reality.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 22, 2019

I sure hope so! Humanity might just advance to it's full potential w/o religion.


No . As long as humans get sick of dead , heartbroken or angry , sexual deprived or education deprived , religions of the world are not going anywhere .

Pralina1 Level 9 Jan 22, 2019

No, religion exploits human hopes and fears and creates the need to believe when people are at their most vulnerable.

JimG Level 8 Jan 22, 2019

yes when humans die out


I believe that AI (artificial intelligence) will take over many human jobs within the next 5 years (think of desk jobs that don't require much creativity, or factory jobs assembling/cutting widgets or packing boxes). As AI takes over many of the traditional roles humans play in daily life, there will be more gaping holes to fill. I think humans will turn to clubs, cults and more forms of religion to fill these gaps. So no, I don't think it's going anywhere soon.


Not unless we are suddenly hit with the critical thinking bug.

Spinliesel Level 9 Jan 22, 2019

Actually yes... when our sun implodes.


I don't believe it will. The numbers may shrink or it may be put in a different light as it is in Europe, but disappear, probably not.

Sticks48 Level 9 Jan 22, 2019

No, new forms of religions may arise, but many people turn to religion in a search for meaning in their lives. I believe the influence of current religions will continue to wane.

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 22, 2019

Not as long as gullible people exist...


No way. Life is too short.


One can dream.

nvrnuff Level 8 Jan 22, 2019

no. it's been around too long.

TheDoubter Level 9 Jan 22, 2019

I can't see it happening either. It fills a need.

brentan Level 8 Jan 22, 2019

If you search "World education level, graph, data" you find that knowledge is growing...and it isn't just a straight line's parabolic (curving upwards) the pace of education is picking up.

...and I firmly believe that it's happening just in time.

-us Demographers know that the key to controlling population is education. A demographic transition starts when a portion of the world develops an ability to grow; whether it's a change in the overall health, an infusion of technology, a new way to get water, etc...a DT starts when any region starts an explosive, parabolic-curve growth in population. When does that growth level off? guessed it...when education level within that area rises. Smarter people have fewer kids.

-and with that rise in education comes the death of myths, and the growth of morality for the sake of survival...not because some myth "told them to behave".

So I'm optimistic. I see us reaching ZPG soon....and s serious decline in Religion as well.

Robecology Level 9 Jan 23, 2019

Pffft...I wish.

Twisted185 Level 6 Jan 22, 2019

Not bloody likely.


Probably not before we go extinct, because it is based in biology. (see John Wathey)

skado Level 9 Mar 12, 2019

As soon we enter the age of immortality age of religion will come an end visit

akite Level 3 Mar 12, 2019

No not likely, it will probably change form but reaching out to something seems to be hard-wired into the species. If it’s not deity and expectation of something greater than ourselves it seems to be continuation of the genetic line in grandchildren and so on that is the driver of a ‘religious’ mindset. Individual religiousness is good, possibly necessary for many. Its not a ‘bad’ thing, probably essential, but the application, externalisation and institutionalisation, I suggest, is where the problems arise.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Mar 10, 2019

I sure hope so!

oklastew Level 3 Mar 1, 2019

Not in our lifetime.

Mossback Level 4 Feb 16, 2019

Given that religion, in its many guises is seen as a comfort, a support and a retreat for some people, I don't think that will change. After all religion has existed in all its facets, in the face of facts for millenia. If it works for you, then do it, if not, then you know what to do....

Pompey Level 6 Jan 24, 2019

Nope. Old ones fade, new ones arise.

Nukdookum Level 8 Jan 22, 2019
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