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I have been with a pathalogical liar and narcissist the past 10 years...what is the best way celebrate my new found freedom?

SBlaze 3 May 28
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There are 4 general struggles and 4 things you can do to move forward. Here is a link to the psychology article. Hope it helps🙂


Allow me to spoil you rotten?

darthfaja Level 7 May 30, 2019

I think the answer is to redouble your commitment to always be completely honest in your relationships, and keep practicing humility and sincerity - and always insist the same from those that are close to your life. And, of course, while you are doing that, get your passport updated, grab your best and dearest girl friend, and get two round trip ticket to an all inclusive resort on the beach in Puerto Vallarta and spend 5 or 6 days luxuriating in the absence of his bullshit.

MrLink Level 8 May 29, 2019

Wow! That is such a great question to put to the community. And answering it feels like a big responsibility... can i think on this a minute??

MrLink Level 8 May 28, 2019

Gardening, or going for a hike


Bailey's Cream and coffee-cake.

brentan Level 8 May 28, 2019

Be good to yourself. Bust up some of your own patterns. Narcissistic sociopaths target a "type," typically women who are stable, generous-natured, patient, and nurturing. I am a year and a half out of a 17 year marriage to one. It takes a while to recover, and I'm still working on it. The trust issues are the worst.

Deb57 Level 8 May 28, 2019

You nailed it right there! The trust issues really are the worst. I am sorry to hear you have gone through the same!

A favorite sentiment of mine...

I spent 37 years dealing with her Borderline Personality Disorder and finally had enough. Load of narcissism with that condition. Ya end up dealing with their issues and it leaves no time for anything else. I looked up one day and realized I was wasting my life for no good reason so I split for Michigan. What I have done is to make a life for ME!!!!!!!! Got back the things i abandoned over the years because it was easier than holding on to things and fighting over them! I even bought me another set of drums! May not get in a band but I do get a workout! Between that and working as a Senior Adviser for Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access I keep busy. Thats the thing, keep busy and focus on you!


I would say make sure to trust your gut instincts. And if you have a history of prior abuse, work out any residual issues related to that. As often abuse victims/survivors tend to be targets for these pathological fckers.


in what ever way you feel like really


Do what most women do. Look for another one.

Fretherne1 Level 7 May 28, 2019

why not what most humans do? Do men not look for another one after divorcing/breaking up as well?


Enjoy life to it's fullest.


Mate with an honest humble Atheist Green politician fight together for freedom FROM theocracy in love joy and contentment


The healthy way , or the unhealthy way?

hippydog Level 8 May 28, 2019

Do things that he wouldn't let you do. Dancing is mine.

That is a Leo Sayer song : YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE DANCING the chorus sings WE'LL DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY

@Sealybobo Ha ha. Not the feedback I get.

@Sealybobo Why would you choose to insult my dancing? Have you ever seen me dance?

@Sealybobo I laughed the first time.


Do something that you find empowering. Something that makes you happy.. Not because it pleases anyone else, but because you get pleasure out of it. Do it to make yourself happy.

Nukdookum Level 8 May 28, 2019
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