4 2

I have done the spunk of the gallivant.

And El Paso has some of the most welcoming and kind people I have ever come across in all those times.

I feel like am going to be physically sick.

BufftonBeotch 8 Aug 3
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I shop at both Walmart and the mall. On weekend they have many Mexicans who come over from Juarez and shop and usually very crowed and often at the mall you unable to find a parking space. Could this be reason this crazy kid pick a Saturday and also may Mexicans was at these stores.

Giess Level 4 Aug 4, 2019

Of course that's why he drove over 600 miles.
Also he knew it was the weekend before kids went back to school co he could kill a number of children.


I have lived in El Paso twice. Up until this incident one of the most peaceful cities in America, with an unbelievably low murder rate. Of course nothing will change. This state and this country are run by cowards and idiots. I don't know which is more dangerous.

Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 3, 2019

I was only in El Paso a couple of days but I few in love with the people there.
It was a cross country trip and my friend and I stayed in Franklin Mountain State Park.
We were setting up camp and mentioned that we were going back into town for water, and the ranger said you don't have to do that. And he brought us one of those big 10 gallon Coleman water jugs.

And Rosa's Cantina is a real place. And not a stupid tourist place but a dive bar full of locals which made me very satisfied.

@BufftonBeotch Juarez was just as safe and laid back when I was there. Things change. 😟


46 people shot with a rifle perp drove from Allen 650 miles away to shoot Mexicans and Americans shopping at WalMart 20 dead and others may not recover in hospitals.....with guns everywhere in Texas legally carried on hips or in hands
...WHY DID THIS WALMART have no armed Security to stop this shooter from but a few victims .....???? Guns and ammo are on sale in WalMarts and no single employee was trained to save lives on the job? Veterans like me want to know ?

You want to sign up for that job with a six or nine shot side arm against a high capacity rifle for $12 an hour?

@BufftonBeotch pass living wage laws with combat pay like veterans got in war zones....WalMart sells bolt action rifles with scopes and a sniper could zap that racist kid worthless brain before cops arrived

@BufftonBeotch WalMart promised to hire ten thousand of us vets 5 yrs ago and turned me down in 3 states....they know I am a Teamster Local 90 Steward and do you think they EVER allow the word union spoken in any store warehouse or drivers room ???



It has already happened again.

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