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The story you won't see on CNN or MSNBC.

Captain_Feelgood 8 Aug 12
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If true NRA puts out fairy tale sometimes

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 12, 2019

Those incidents do happen, but are relatively rare, and I do see them reported, if they happen. They are generally local stories as that sort of thing is not really worthy of national attention.

What does usually get national attention, at least for awhile are incidents where there is a random home invasion where the perp is wanting to do harm, and the incident is stopped because of a firearm. Media goes apeshit over things like that, especially if the shooter is an attractive young woman or an elderly person or incapacitated in some way.

The story you posted was also not a high capacity shooter situation. The last thing I would want in that type of situation would be more bullets flying. And how are the police to know who " goodun' with the gun is? My guess is that anyone firing off rounds in such chaos would be rabidly ventilated.

A more common thing is that kids get killed when they knock on a door looking for help if their car breaks or walking home after going to the store to buy their little brother Skittles.

Or a kid is killed when they find a relatives or neighbor's gun because said person is so paranoid and on edge that they keep the gun loaded and in easy access at all times.

Or a family member is killed because someone is violent and goes into a drunken rage one last time.


The percentage of successful legally armed weapons carriers stopping or inhibiting a crime remains unchanged over a long time, despite a rapid and large increase in the number of concealed weapons permits granted.

In other words...there's been no significant change in legal take downs by private citizens despite a huge increase in private concealed weapons carriers.


Robecology Level 9 Aug 12, 2019

You didn't read all of that report or didn't understand it. (I thinking a little of both) Still has nothing to do with my point of MSM not telling the story in the first place... 🙄

@Captain_Feelgood If the MSM does not tell these stories...How did you post an ABC story?

@BufftonBeotch ABC 11 is a small local news station near me.. MSM stations are the big 'Cable' networks.

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