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I have a problem. If my future depends on realising an asset, how much weight should I give to other people in the equation, whose lives would be affected, but to whom I have no true obligation? I am stymied from moving forward because I feel obligations based on being a friend, and kind, and helpful, and not wanting to ever feel guilty...

Faithless1 7 May 17
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Guilt is good. It helps us weigh our options. However, one thing I have learned is guilt does not feed me. Nor does it save me from homelessness. Nobody in my life could have or would saved me from it either. Yet guilt kept me from making desicions solely based on my needs not others need or judgement of me. I've released my self from that thinking. Does not mean I don't backside, but I'm so much happier.


Your post is too vague. I don't understand what you mean.


I have a daughter living in a rental unit and she isn't paying rent. I am going to serve her an eviction notice. Does this make me a bad dad or a good manager?

zorialoki Level 8 May 18, 2018

The word 'asset' could be any number of things, and without knowing more about the situation, it's a bit difficult to know what to say here. But to me, the bottom line shouldn't be about what ever the asset may or may not be, but about doing what you can to be good to everyone you care about that is involved. Playing favorites never works out well..

@Faithless1 Now that I've read the situation from above, I'm going with NotAndrew.. And if the new owners aren't looking to move in or tear it down, maybe they can just keep renting it... good luck with that.

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