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Anybody else consider themselves a "contrarian"?

Lop-Eared-Mule 7 May 23
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Sometimes, but I try to rein it in. Prefer the term, Devil's advocate.


I hope I'm not. My mom and sister are. They tend to just rub everyone the wrong way and are very bossy and demanding. It wears me right the f* out. I just walk away. But they both like to argue. I do not. So I'm often a target.


No, but with the name "mule" I'd expect you are 😉

HEE HAW! Find the song "Ride ol' Buck to Water"


I try not to be, because contrarians can be intensely irritating.

Your comment (as well as others) reminds me I should just shut the F up least I no longer "debate" with tumpster fires!


I think we can all be at one time or another ! Unless you have been vaccinated against ?

VAL3941 Level 8 May 23, 2018

No, that would be stupid.

My wife sometimes says that to me "why do you have to be such a contrarian on everything?" My reply: Am not! Ok so I know what I am so what are you?

It works better if you imagine my wife's voice in irate magpie.

Dingodog Level 7 May 23, 2018


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