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Here is my question for admission to level 2 .... Does your chewing gum loose its flavor on the bed post over night? yup living alone in the boonies does have its less lucid moments

papachag 4 May 29
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If your mother says don't chew it do you swallow it in spite?

TerriCity Level 7 June 19, 2018

Living out in the boonies sounds appealing, until I remember how lazy I am. I might starve to death..


Depends on what one believes lucid is, That is a great question and every one as a child had to know the answer. Remember Black Jack gum? Wow I loved that . Regarding in the boonies, there is no where but a silent mind that thinks deeply about >

EMC2 Level 8 May 31, 2018

Thank you all for you comments ... The question is the tittle of an old song which I first heard played by Spike Jones in the 50's I think.

papachag Level 4 May 30, 2018

does your mother tell you to throw it away but you swallow it in spite

lookinhard Level 7 May 30, 2018

I had a dog eat a bag of popcorn laden with Carolina Reaper Peppers. I live in the Mesilla Valley, chile capital of the world. My dogs and I eat chile all the time, but I was amazed by this. The answer is no, the dog eats it

zorialoki Level 8 May 30, 2018

Papa C, I grew up in the sticks which is 15 miles more remote than the boonies, git yerself a moonshine still and reflav then repurpose that gum! It'll turn mushy and fall apart a few days, but you'll have the self-righteous satisfaction of knowing YOU RECYCLED!


Wouldn't know. I try to avoid disgusting behavior.

Monterey Level 5 May 29, 2018

I agree whole heartedly !


Sorry, I can't contribute to your knowledge. I neither chew gum nor have a bed post 😟

pixiedust Level 8 May 29, 2018
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