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This is one for @pralina1, she has had her plate full.

glennlab 10 June 4
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Glenn , this is weird . I wake up w this for a decade or maybe more . Every time my alarm comes off and I am aware of self , I start this piece while brushing teeth and making coffee .
This does not change when hotels , hospital rooms or plains and trains . I just love this and i love his ways of bringing it .

Pralina1 Level 9 June 4, 2020

Really nice and great gesture. However, it sounds like some British period Krimi's (Peroit , Miss Marple for instance).

JackPedigo Level 9 June 4, 2020

But I like Poirot and Miss Marple! 🙂

@Lauren lol It was not a value judgement. I love these shows too and that's why it sounds so familiar. Seems anything during the 'Art Deco' period has this music or something very similar.

@JackPedigo That's true, there's a certain spirited elegance to the music of that period that I like.

It is a favorite of hers

@glennlab And thus the perfect choice. Well done. 🙂

@Lauren Me too.


We all appreciate what you do and the gargantuan job you have stay safe lovely lady

bobwjr Level 10 June 4, 2020

This conductor knows how to turn everything into mushy soup.

@dede18 I absolutely agree with that assessment.

@dede18 he is ! He is a primadonna for sure ! But I love this piece ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


I’m sure she’ll appreciate this! Beautiful.

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