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Tonight will be an emotional one for many Ukrainian refugees as they flock to Hampden Park Glasgow to watch the Football World Cup qualifier - Scotland v Ukraine. There are many Ukrainians who have been given refuge in Scotland and other parts of the U.K. and they and others who will have travelled from Europe will be there to cheer their team on. I do wish them well of course…but it will be a big night for the Scottish team too, and Scottish pride and hope of qualification will make them do their best to win too, for the Scottish public who are “fitba’ crazy! The well known football song….Football Crazy - Robin Hall & Jimmy Macgregor.

…..just to be even handed I’m sporting both flags! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇺🇦

Marionville 10 June 1
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I wish them all well, & free of injuries.



Best of luck to both teams. 😍

Yes…good luck.

@Marionville league play can end in tie scores but World Cup games must have a winner ??

@GreenAtheist Ukraine won 3-1 last nught. I’m pleased for them but obviously sad for Scotland!


Hey M, Was the 1st #7 playing Bobby Charlton?

No…Bobby Charlton was English. That #7 was Celtic and Scotland international Jimmie Johnstone who played at outside right #7 for both club and country. He was known as “Jinky” for his elusive dribbling style I note!

@Marionville OK. The English equivalent being Jimmy Greeves I recall (right wing).




That was sweet and amusing! The war is certainly creating complications in so many unexpected ways, but I hope the match is satisfying for them all.

Lauren Level 8 June 1, 2022

Hope so.

Both are on NATO "side"

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