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Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight

rogerbenham 8 June 8
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I thought you hated drums Roger…this has a persistent drumbeat throughout! This is another one which was a popular hit in the early 80s. Poor Phil is a physical wreck nowadays and can barely walk so is wheeled onstage. His son does the drumming on stage for him now, and he just sits and sings. Very sad.

I didn’t know this about Phil. What a sad ending of his career. I don’t know how old he is do you?

@Redheadedgammy Yes…he’s 71, but illness can strike at any age sadly!

@Marionville I will have to do some googling and find out what happened to his health. 😉

@Marionville I found a story that told about issues he’s had with his back for decades, then he had a fall and He had a back surgery. After that things got worse for him. Poor guy must live in constant pain.

@Redheadedgammy Yes…I knew he’d had back surgery after a bad fall.

Yes, I'm no lover of drums and I knew nothing of Phil Collins unit my 2nd wife Rachel (1989-1993 or 1999). She introduced me to quite a lot of music. We travelled across Canada with ten cassettes. I'm fully with RHG (Rhonda) here. His voice and how distinctive he is.
I'm trying to do my part in keeping things alive on this site since clearly the vast majority of members almost never post. So I am listening to music and if I like it a bit, I post it. Most I do not like. Anyway, I'll post my favourite Phil Collins track soon.
2nd wife was anorexic and bisexual, though more keen on the female side. 4 years of dramatics, 5 years of her in a Buddhist monastery, 3 months return and she divorced 4 months later. She loved Sade, Simply Red and Suzanne Vega. I really liked only Vega.


I’ve always enjoyed Phil Collins’ singing. Very distinctive voice that is oh so pleasant to my ears. 😍 This was released in 1981, but had a resurgence when the show Miami Vice used it in an episode in the I think early 90’s. Thanks for posting haven’t heard it in a long time.

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