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Posting anything Russian at the moment is probably not a particularly popular idea…but some of the greatest music ever written was composed by Russian composers…so it makes no sense to pretend it doesn’t exist. So here is a video I came across by accident of a concert somewhere in China where a trio of beautiful Russian ladies sing a traditional song from the Ural Mountains - The Ural Rowan Tree.

….you will note the military style outfits, however I doubt that these young ladies are actually Red Army soldiers!
Marionville 10 Aug 6
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The war in Ukraine is between Ukraine (defenders), USA using an excuse to feed a war with Russia (Proxy) and V. Putin (attacker) calling it a special intervention. Much of Putin's army aren't aggressors and many not even Russian.
Wars are fought by minions, not for many years by those who cause the war. Minions are canon fodder,certainly the Russian troops are merely that. The Russian leadership could not care less how many of their military are killed - better killed than disabled.
I do not think that the American leadership care much differently.

Just do not confuse art with military. Art mostly dislikes military.


Very pleasant

Yes…nice voices and pleasant tune.


Beautiful voices. I wish there was an English translation. 😍

Sadly I can’t find one!

Вечер тихой песнею над рекой плывёт,Дальними зарницами светится завод.Где-то поезд катится точками огня,Где-то под рябинушкой парни ждут меня.

Evening silent песнею above the river floats,
Distant summer lightnings shine a factory.
Somewhere the train slides points of fire,
Somewhere under рябинушкой guys wait for me.

Припев:Ой, рябина кудрявая,Белые цветы,Ой, рябина, рябинушка,Что ж взгрустнула ты?

Oh, a mountain ash curly,
White flowers,
Oh, a mountain ash, рябинушка,
What have you got sad?

Лишь гудки певучие смолкнут над водой -Я иду к рябинушке тропкою крутой.Треплет под кудрявою ветер без концаСправа - кудри токаря, слева - кузнеца.

Only hooters melodious will cease above water-
I go to рябинушке тропкою abrupt.
Pulls out under кудрявою a wind endlessly
On the right - curls of the turner, at the left - the smith.

Там, в цеху, короткие встречи - горячи,А сойдёмся вечером - сядем и молчим.Смотрят звёзды летние молча на парней,Но не скажут ясные, кто из них милей...

There, in shop, short meetings - are hot,
And we shall converge in the evening - we shall sit down and it is silent.
Years silently stars look at guys,
But will not tell clear, who from them more lovely...

Укрывает инеем землю добела,Песней журавлиною осень проплыла.Но тропинкой узкою, там же, между гор,Мы втроём к рябинушке ходим до сих пор...

Covers hoarfrost the ground until white,
Song журавлиною the autumn has floated.
But a footpath узкою, in the same place, between mountains,
We three together to рябинушке go till now...

Кто из них желаннее, руку сжать кому -Сердцем растревоженным так и не пойму.Оба парня смелые, оба хороши,Милая рябинушка, сердцу подскажи.

Who from them желаннее to compress a hand to whom-
Heart disturbed and I shall not understand.
Both of the guy courageous, both are good,
The darling рябинушка, to heart prompt.

/Ой, рябина кудрявая,Оба - хороши...Ой, рябина, рябинушка,Сердцу подскажи...-2р.com/

/oh, a mountain ash curly,
They are are good...
Oh, a mountain ash, рябинушка,
To heart prompt ...-2р.com/

@Marionville The rowan of Ural
The wind of evening is already playing1treetop of a rowan
From the downtown now I hear a waltz so wistful
It tells about a rowan, it is a familiar story of it's
I remember a white crown in the hillsides of Ural

Like a young bride wearing a garland crown2 just can be
the veil of the rowan was glowing in the sun3

Far behind I know, the rowan was left
Far away went my path, away from the one I love
The red berries of the autumn, are like a tears of the rowan
I cried like a rowan, my heart is miserable/unhappy
The rowan of Ural
The wind of evening is already playing1treetop of a rowan
From the downtown now I hear a waltz so wistful
It tells about a rowan, it is a familiar story of it's
I remember a white crown in the hillsides of Ural

Like a young bride wearing a garland crown2 just can be
the veil of the rowan was glowing in the sun3

Far behind I know, the rowan was left
Far away went my path, away from the one I love
The red berries of the autumn, are like a tears of the rowan
I cried like a rowan, my heart is miserable/unhappy

Like a young bride wearing a garland crown just can be
The rowan was once gloving in the sun

Perhaps once more the wind will play more tenderly
The rumble of the cities is finally left behind
Where the rowan tree blooms, I can see my dear one again
The nature bursts in to blooming, the most beautiful one

And then the young bride is wearing a garland crown again
the veil of the rowan is glowing in the sun
Like a young bride wearing a garland crown just can be
The rowan was once gloving in the sun

Perhaps once more the wind will play more tenderly
The rumble of the cities is finally left behind
Where the rowan tree blooms, I can see my dear one again
The nature bursts in to blooming, the most beautiful one

And then the young bride is wearing a garland crown again
the veil of the rowan is glowing in the sun

@rogerbenham Thank you for posting this. I played the video again while reading the words, although I wasn’t sure about where in the song I was. It’s still nice to have a translation.


"it makes no sense to pretend it doesn’t exist." - a popular American pastime. So you haven't been totally infected then Marje?

Sad that the subtitles are only in Chinese.

The music is a fact…the Russian war with Ukraine is a fact….they are both facts and the second one doesn’t cancel the first one out!

Yes…I’m afraid I cannot read or interpret the Chinese characters, but it’s safe to say it’s somewhere in China, sung in Russian and it dates from a few years ago,.

@Marionville "Russian war" or Russian attempt to prevent the genocide of Russian speaking Ukrainians?

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