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Just to prove that I’m not biased on everything Russian just because I’m anti Putin and his invasion of Ukraine…far from it when it comes to the music and artists of Russia and it’s vast hinterland peopled by many diverse ethnicities. Aida Garifullina is one of my favourite sopranos of recent years, she is of Tatar ethnicity and very beautiful with her high sculpted cheekbones, which I’m reliably informed, assist aerodynamically in breath control and note-holding power in a singer. Here she sings Ukrainian composer Igor Krutoy’s composition White Bird…

Marionville 10 Oct 5
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Putin never invaded. The Russian army undertook measure to prevent the death & maltreatment of fellow Russians living in Ukraine. That genocidal treatment was occurring though US instigation of the 2014 change of Ukrainian government . Then they started bleating about Russia meddling inthe US farce of the election that saw Trump elected.
What a laugh. Simply projecting US guilt.

Still as delusional as ever I see Richard!

@Marionville if you believe the crap propagated by the US & NATO governments you may as well believe in a God.

@FrayedBear No Richard I don’t believe everything, from either one side or the other, I try to make a balanced judgment after assessing information and views from a variety of sources. My own view is that truth lies somewhere in between the lines and we must use our own judgement and common sense to decide what it is. My judgement is that no matter what wrongs of the USA and other western powers may have been…and there are many…there is no justification for Putin to invade Ukraine on the pretext that he was going in merely to protect any Ukrainian citizens, either ethnic Russians or not. His incursion was unwanted and unwelcome by the vast majority of Ukrainians who are entitled to expect their neighbours to respect their national borders and sovereignty as an independent country. No amount of past wrongs by the USA in any part of the world can be used as an equivocation and reason for Russia’s actions. Ukraine has every right to have aspirations to look westwards and to wish to join EU and NATO as has any other sovereign European country, without interference from Russia or anyone else.

Exactly the same excuse Hitler gave for invading Poland and then other countries. Have you not heard the word 'Lebensraum'? (living space). Invading another country is not an excuse because of the 'supposed' maltreatment of your people's living there. Maybe Africa should invade the US because of the race issue, toward blacks in this country!?
Please stop with all the misguided conspiracy crap.

@Marionville Funny, this morning I read something from a periodical wanting me to subscribe.
"It took 400,000 skilled NASA employees and contractors to help Neil Armstrong take "one giant leap." But just a single man, Bill Kaysing, birthed the conspiracy of the moon landing hoax." This was before the internet.

@Marionville just like cuba & Venezuela have every right to invite Russian military & their weapons to visit whilst the businesses trade? That sort of freedom?

@Marionville, @jackjr I note that USA is currently squealing because 10's if not 100's of thousands of people are now invading, beg pardon, requesting asylum in USA. And of course USA really was happy that Cuba invited Russian militia in in the mid 60's.

Seriously where do you find your open minded even handed determinations? Probably 3-4 fifths of the world disagrees with the selfish piratical hegemony & colonialism that you strive for.


She's very good, & so is Igor. Igor came out of retirement to work with Dimash, & has composed a few pieces for Dimash, Aida, & Lara Fabian to perform together.

Igor looks like a proud papa, at the end of this.

That’ll be a good show!

@Marionville I added it, & there are others too.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Lovely…the skating too…


Very dramatic. Yes, indeed, very fine voice.

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