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The BBC’s Dance show Strictly Come Dancing has just concluded its weekly run since September with the winners TV soap actress Ellie Leach and her professional partner Italian born Vito Coppola lifting the Glitterball Trophy last Saturday. Here they perform their choice of showdance to Jennifer Lopez Megamix…

Marionville 10 Dec 20
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Vito, a Coppola steps from 2023's nod as the hottest bod to have trod the mod.

Polemicist Level 7 Dec 21, 2023

Very smooth wordplay to accompany those smoothest of steps!


That's some power dancing there! 🕺 💃 They seem like athletes in a way. Great moves!!

All three couples in the final were great…but I think this pair deserved to win.

@Marionville They were very good together. You could tell they enjoyed dancing with one another, and just looked great on the floor.

@Redheadedgammy There are rumours of a romance!


Reminded me of Tango in nthat it seemed he was totally in control. It verged on being violent but clearly wasn't.

High energy and enviable flexibility!

@Marionville Indeed, true enough.


Good but soooo much energy. Makes one (me) tired of just watching this.

jackjr Level 7 Dec 20, 2023

Yes, not a fan of that style.

It is a showdance …specially choreographed by the professional partner to showcase their agility and technical ability. The female partner was a complete novice at the begnning of September….now she dances like a pro!

@Marionville A new movie is about to come out, "Boys in the Boat." [] Water defines this area (and not just from the sky). Rowing is a BIG deal here. Point is our NPR did an interview with the actors and one actress. They had to practice, practice and more practice for their part in the film. They said it was hard but they felt great afterward. The University of Washington is already one of the top public universities and this will be a huge boost for the school.

@jackjr I see it’s directed by George Clooney…I look forward to watching it.

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