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A few years ago, in 2010, a bunch of young hopefuls entered XFactor UK talent competition as individuals and Simon Cowell put 5 of them together into one group and signed them up to his own label thus creating the pop phenomenon which became One Direction. They only managed to come in third in the competition, but with the help of social media their careers took off and they became one of the most successful boy bands ever. Since they split up to go their own ways as solo artists in 2016, most of the attention and success seems to have gone to Harry Styles who has won Grammy’s and many other music awards as well as branching out into modelling and film & TV roles.

Less well known is the continuing careers of the other 4 members of the group, so today I thought I’d focus on Niall Horan who has gone on to great success both in his native Ireland and the U.K., writing and recording his own music. Here he is in a live recording session with the title track from his new album - The Show.

Marionville 10 Dec 28
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He's also a judge on the Voice.

Which one…I don’t usually watch The Voice?..

@Marionville The US one. It just finished a season before xmas.


Recorded in the Lake District?

No…I believe it was Southern California where he went to write and record most of this album. The mild climate agrees with his creative juices I believe is what his PR people stated!


I may need to start watching these shows. I like this fellow. 👌 I think I can find them on YouTube since I don't subscribe to cable.

Yes…I’m sure you’ll find One Direction and all its members as individuals on YouTube. That is where I find the videos for most of my posts.

Polemicist Level 7 Dec 28, 2023

I’ve known and sung this Scottish song since I was a wee girl. One of the old traditional songs collected by Lady Nairne if I’m not mistaken. Bill makes not too bad a stab at singing it.

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