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It’s St Patrick’s weekend with 17th March tomorrow being St Patrick’s Day, and this afternoon Dublin’s Aviva Stadium is the venue for the showdown between Ireland v Scotland in the final round of matches the Six Nations Rugby Union tournament. Dublin will be heaving with rugby fans from Scotland and all over Ireland and will erupt if Ireland win and lift the cup as they’re expected to do…regardless of who wins it’s guaranteed to be a wild night on the eve of St.Paddy’s Day. As I’m Scottish I’m naturally hoping Scotland wins - so to that end I posting not an Irish tune but this the unofficial Scottish national anthem written by Roy Williamson of folk singing duo The Corries. - Flower Of Scotland….🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Marionville 10 Mar 16
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Aurora's 53rd birthday tomorrow.

Wish her happy birthday from me..

@Marionville Yes, thank you, I will.


I still remember the one I first heard this time last year. Music composed by Beethoven - The Pulse of an Irishman. It was played yesterday on a local classical music station and brought back a memory.

jackjr Level 7 Mar 16, 2024

Can you find it and post it for us?

@Marionville Oh boy, I watched it again and had a full day of trying to get it out of my mind. A real Ear worm.

I also discovered the singer has a lot of other items and here's one that brought back some memories of my time in Germany.

Well my English blood predominates, Irish 2nd, Scottish 3rd. Tomorrow I'll be at a small pub with a group of my friends being the act.


I will cheer for the Scots too, only avenue for the English to win the trophy as long as we beat the French 🙂


Tomorrow is St. Paddy's. I drank on the wrong day.

DenoPenno Level 9 Mar 16, 2024

You can still do that on the right day too!


This song is marvelous! I listened to this twice. 🥰 I will cheer for the Scottish Marje!!

The match will start in about an hour….!

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