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Thankfully, as a choir…my choir - The Sperrin Choir are still singing together and have just last Saturday successfully performed the first in a series of Spring concerts. However, it was certainly a challenge to keep the choir together and singing during the period of social distancing we went through due to the Covid pandemic. This video was made by the choir and posted as we emerged from our isolation two years ago. The narrator is our choir director Sam Cuddy…and I hope you enjoy. We are a 60 strong mixed voice SATB choir based at Castledawson, Co.Londonderry in Northern Ireland, U.K….and we’ve been known to sing all genres and types of music from Bach to The Beatles…

Marionville 10 Apr 15
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This was fabulous, Marje, and my apologies for taking so long to watch it but I wanted it to be when I could enjoy the visuals as well as the sound - and it sounds wonderful! Thank you for sharing it and please feel free to treat us again.

Lauren Level 8 Apr 23, 2024

Thank you Lauren…that’s very kind of you. 🥰


Loved this Marje! ❤️ The video and the music is divine!!

Aw thanks Rhonda…although I say it myself we’re really a very good choir, and most importantly I love them all to bits. I call them my choir family because they are…🥰


I noted down which were you. Next the to the conductor or next to the pianist? Do tell! Not impressed with the tenor. To much vibrato. Choir really good effort.

Glad you enjoyed…

@Marionville Not telling?

@rogerbenham I’m next to both at different times, the zoom images move around don’t they?

@Marionville Are you wearing red pants in the outside one at a110 minutes? And bottom right at 22.30?

@rogerbenham Yes…that’s me!


I see it's almost a half hour, so will watch later.

You can just dip in and out…it’s not a continuous concert…

@Marionville This was fantastic, & I really enjoyed it!
Unsure if I spotted you or not, as the screen is too small to be really sure. I have guesses......but.......

@Lilac-JadeCanada I’m in it briefly two or three times, and then I’m one of the singers doing the zoom rehearsals, and then I’m wearing red pants in the back row of the ladies singing outdoors when we still had to keep our distance from each other.

@Marionville Yes, I immediately thought the back row, & the red pants, on the Hey Jude song, but was unsure of the zoom ones as I was leaning to the dark top & wearing glasses, but hadn't seen you with glasses before so was unsure.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes…I’m wearing glasses in the zoom rehearsals…had to see the words, need glasses for that!

@Marionville Amazing what seeing does, huh? Hahahahaha!!!!


1:39 nearly tremeloaded the vibrato.

Polemicist Level 7 Apr 15, 2024

I’ll be singing till Sam puts me out….or when the fat lady sings…oh I forgot that’s me!! 😘😁

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