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In 1994 the Norwegian band a-ha went on an extended break…they called it a hiatus, they said they were totally exhausted from almost continuous touring for nearly ten years since they first hit the International music scene with the mega hit Take On Me in 1985…followed up with numerous other hits from five studio albums. Magne Furuholmen the keyboardist was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation after almost collapsing onstage and was hospitalised, this was the salutary event they needed to make them take a prolonged break. Magne and Morten Harket moved back to Norway from the U.K. where they’d lived since moving there in 1982, and Pal Waaktaar …a prolific songwriter, went to live in New York with his wife Lauren who is American, and formed a new band called Savoy as an additional outet for his creative talent. Magne returned to his first love of painting and sculpting and Morten started songwriting and recording on his own as a solo artist. He released his first album in English - Wild Seed in 1995 (he’d already made one in Norwegian in 1993 titled Poetenes Evangelium). The song A Kind Of Christmas Card which was the first solo single released from the album was written by Morten and Havard Rem and reached #1 in Norway and charted in a number of other countries including the U.K….he discusses it and sings it live here on Norwegian TV…

Marionville 10 July 21
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