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Whose memory stretches back to 1963 and to a song by Belgian Catholic nun Jeanne-Paule Marie Deckers aka Sister Luc Gabrielle…better known as The Singing Nun, who had a hit pop song around the world with “Dominique”. Here, assisted by a handful of her sister nuns, she performs both Dominique and the flip side of her record Les Pied Des Missionaires….

Marionville 10 Sep 4
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I remember her well.

Organist1 Level 8 Sep 4, 2024

I much prefer 'nones'.

racocn8 Level 9 Sep 4, 2024

I had forgotten how basic the guitar playing was. I sure liked it then.


I was in a catholic school so yeah I heard it she was a talented singer.The education was priceless especially when I was an altar boy donning the regalia. I couldn't figure out which hole to put my head through. The priest saying mass came over to "help" and pulled me uncomfortably close while he was helping he helped himself to a grope of my nuts. I remember the day like yesterday. Needless to say that made my mind up about religion and set me on a literary inquisition to expose these frauds for exactly what they are, It gets my dander up everytime I think of the horrible abuse suffered by so many children. I hear the bullshit about a few bad apples and it pisses me off even more because the Vatican was just moving these sexual predators from one place to another. Years later many have sued the church and won but they only paid if you signed a non disclosure statement.

And they want to be held up as the moral standard. What a bunch of fecking hypocrites. It is with great pleasure I watch their numbers dropping off like rain on a roof. But what about all the good they do. Like indoctrination of children to induce cognitive dissonance into anyone with critical thinking skills. A ticking emotional time bomb. Religion does no harm my ass.

PaddyO Level 7 Sep 4, 2024

Yes…a very deplorable litany of abuse all around the world…and the habitual covering up and moving offending priests on to molest other children in new parishes, states and even overseas to different counties. Quite shameful conduct. Here in Ireland it was particularly heinous!


Wonder if she ever saw a penny of the profits on that record???

pamagain Level 8 Sep 4, 2024

Likely not…it would all to go her order of nuns…

@Marionville Of course it did, "Poverty, chastity and obedience."


I remember this song growing up in the US.

Yes…I remember it too here in the U.K…


Well remembered & enjoyed. Naive times.🤣

I went to church back then!

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