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I thought we hadn’t heard anything from my favourite violinist this year yet…so to remedy that here is the immensely talented and charismatic David Garrett. Born in Aachen in Germany in 1980 he showed such musical ability at an early age that when he was 13 he was selected to play violin for the German President Richard von Weizsacker who was so impressed he offered him the use of the famous “San Lorenzo” Stradivarius violin which he owned. A few years later when he became a successful classical and crossover musician and recording artist, David was able to purchase his own Stradivarius.
Vivaldi - Winter, from The Four Seasons concerti - David Garrett, live…

Marionville 10 Jan 23
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A delightful rendition.

Here's a sound IMO worthy of sharing the same page.

G.E.Schreemann on the bowed psaltery

Lovely sound.

@Marionville I first heard it played in the early 1970's by a male & female folk duo from Devon way. She played the bowed psaltery. Not having listened to their record for about 15 years their names are not springing to mind.


Speaking of violins, I heard an interesting fact the other day. Here's a very famous person playing the violin:

pedigojr Level 7 Jan 23, 2025

Good of you to post….

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