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Morten Harket, Norwegian Superstar!.....His light shines brightly everywhere but the he is on a European tour.
Do You Remember Me ?

Marionville 10 Sep 1
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He hasn’t toured Canada either that I know of. At least not more recently. I can only wish.

graceylou Level 8 Sep 1, 2018

I’m not sure about Canada, I know a-ha did do Canada a few years ago but probably not him on his own. I suppose he goes where he’s known best and gets the crowds.

@Marionville I never heard of even a-ha touring here (or at least not where I am) or I would be all over it.

@graceylou It was a few years ago because I saw an interview on YouTube where they were speaking to radio DJ in Canada. It wasn’t recent.

@Marionville Sometimes big names might do Toronto or some other place in the east. Unfortunately, if they have few Canadian dates they tend to skip my city.

@graceylou. Where are you?

@Marionville Edmonton area, Alberta.

@graceylou I have been to Alberta, but not Edmonton. We flew from Toronto into Calgary and hired a car and drove to Vancouver...took about a week doing it, stopped at Banff and Lake Louise, Prince George and Kamloops on the way. Loved it.

@Marionville I was raised in Calgary. The trip through the mountains to British Columbia is beautiful. Vancouver is fun as well. The coastline is gorgeous around there. Sounds like an awesome trip.

@LB67 I was raised in the Vancouver area. Beautiful place yes but now I hate that place. LOL. I hate going back there to see my family.

@Marionville, the Rockies are beautiful though I prefer the Jasper area to Banff. I used to live in the Vancouver area and also lived in Kamloops for a bit.

@graceylou Jasper is lovely, as well. I lived in Stoney Plain for a little while and have many relatives living in your area. I would have loved to live in the Vancouver area, or Vancouver Island. Those areas always appealed to me.

@graceylou. I would love to go back, especially to Vancouver. We did a detour enroute when we saw a place called McBride...that is our name(my husbands family is McBride). There was nothing much there but I took some photos of him standing beside the sign that said McBride for a souvenir of the trip!

@LB67 Vancouver is too crowded and depressing, and insanely expensive to live in. As soon as I get to the airport I want to go home. LOL. I was there last June and refused to stay more than 4 days. I love my almost 20 acres of open country living not too far from civilization but far enough.

@Marionville That is too funny.


Such great music. His lyrics are mesmerizing.

So is he! Americans don’t realised what they are missing.

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