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Just before my bedtime my favourite Norwegians, a-ha....Move to Memphis. This was when Morten was in his longhaired phase. Just look at that mane he’s tossing around!!

I am adding this official video of Move to Memphis as it has better sound.

Marionville 10 Sep 5
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He is certainly enjoying his hair .. after having short hair for years and growing it I appreciate his pleasure lol

Yes and what a bod too! That man is sex on legs!


He’s got to be one of the most beautiful men that has ever lived (and extremely talented). The hair is nice but kinda hides his gorgeous face a bit too much.

graceylou Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

Did you watch both videos. I posted a second one underneath the first.

@Marionville I just watched the first. I was on my phone so didn't want to watch a tiny screen.

@graceylou. There are hundreds of a-ha videos and clips of interviews onYouTube. Whole concerts going back over thirty years. They are really prolific and I have to laugh when people call them one hit wonders.

@Marionville That is true. I'm a Duran Duran fan (and yes, some people laugh at me), and I currently have 14 of their albums (and that's not all of them). Granted they had many hits but most people think they had died off a long time ago even though they've released many albums since the 80s. I guess it depends on how much of a fan you are. I haven't really followed a-ha and Morten much myself but thank goodness for Facebook it's easier to find them again (and other artists I know from the past).

@graceylou. I liked Duran Duran too and know they’re still around too although I don’t actually follow them. I don’t think Simon is ageing as well as Morten is, but that is just good luck/genes probably. I do think Morten is not a mere mortal! He will be 59 next week and looks 45,

@Marionville Morten looks great. And he is in great shape. I went to see Duran Duran live a couple of years ago. I think Simon is sexier now than way back then.

@graceylou I haven’t seen Simon in the flesh only on TV...they were interviewed quite recently. Were they in Canada?

@Marionville Actually they toured Canada in 2016 and 2017. I think most of North America and other places in the world as well. I was never into Simon back in my teenage years though. John though has been the love of my life for over 30 years. LOL.

@graceylou You John me Morten! What a pair....hopeless! ?

@Marionville I know hey. I remember the days I had all those posters on my walls. Morten was up there too.

@graceylou I don’t mind sharing! I’m sure there’s hardly a red blooded woman alive who doesn’t find him sexy!

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