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This is my favorite Bob Dylan love song

Buckets of Rain

Spinliesel 9 Dec 6
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I loved many tracks on that album.


Iā€™m not really familiar with this one.

It's on Blood on the Tracks. I played that LP to death.

@Spinliesel Me too. But I felt Dylan was a bit nasty. The fancy guitar work which I learned to play wasn't done by Dylan but by a studio player who had to learn it as the recordings went on. You can hear that on the LP.

@rogerbenham I read an interview with Charlie Sexton who went to be Dylan's guitar player on some of his tours saying exactly that, compared to appearing with David Bowie, Dylan was very demanding. Wow, that was a long , convoluted sentence. Sorry, but I am too tired to edit that; also, English is my second language. Going now to watch Youtube and "White light, white Heat" , live with Bowie and Sexton.

@Spinliesel Dylan's treatment of Joan Baez struck me as disgusting. Initially we regarded him as the shining light leading the hippie revolution but as his electrification came in so his expressed ideals fell away and money seemed to become his desire. In that he was typical of the majority , large majority, of the hippie movement who opted back into materialism and middle class life and no doubt some completely into the American Dream.
I've spent my life since 1974 doing the opposite and living the hippie ideal (you can do whatever you like as long as you don't hurt anyone or anything). It meant a lot of life changes but it was most rewarding. I have found that incredibly fe really became hippies but there were good offshoots such as organic foods and environmental concern.

@rogerbenham I cannot say that I know anything about the Dylan/Baez situation except that he moved away from folk music and she did not. I remember there was an uprising when he went to an electric guitar with the help of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band and Al Kooper. I was in Germany then, already on the road and had cut my ties to proper German society. I traveled everywhere by walking, hitchhiking and jumping on and off of trains. We never had anything like Haight Ashbury in the old country. Music came across the Atlantic and the North Sea from Great Britain. It all had to be translated into our heads. Dylan is a poet and a genius with composition and I do not care one fig if he makes money from it. In fact, artists and musicians and farmers are the groups of people I wish all the best. They feed our bodies and our souls.

@Spinliesel I agree...Iā€™m only interested in the music....It either speaks to me or it doesnā€™t,

@Marionville Spinliesel : Yes well I as a traditional folk singer Dylan's move to more rock bothered me and I felt that his soul left him in a way. OK I am a bit of a purist.I went through loving blues a la Clapton, Mayall,Yardbirds and even the famous old ones (Muddy Waters et al) but in '69 I went to South Africa for 3 months and listened to Zulu radio stations playing blues and what they were doing was so pure and raw that I rather gave up on Western Blues. Clapton and I share the same birthday but his music interests me little.
No Haight Ashbury for me as I was immersed in Carnaby Street and Kings Road. Flower Power English style. I was once known as Blossom. Loved being dressed in flowers.

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