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Do you like eggs? If so, what's the best way to eat them?

I eat eggs in moderation. I like them best deviled. Because, I'm non-religious. No, wait, that's not right... it's because they're DELICIOUS! lol.

I was reading an article about the nutritional value of eggs. There used to be this idea that eggs were bad for you, because they have cholestrol.

And, there is still controversy around how good eggs are for you.

Some researchers say that dietary cholestrol has very little impact on blood cholestrol (less than 10%). But, there are people who react more and have higher spikes in cholestrol than others, so they need to be more diligent.

~Eggs are a good source of several minerals that can be hard to get in other foods, such as iodine and selenium. “Eggs are also one of the few foods that are naturally a good source of vitamin D., which helps build strong bones with the help of calcium,” Kanter said. But, he added, eating only egg whites doesn’t give you all the good stuff. “Nutrients found exclusively in the yolk include choline, vitamin B12, vitamin D and iron among others,” he said. Many nutritionists believe that, for healthy people, eggs’ excellent nutrition profile mitigates its cholesterol content.

For as many nutrients as they have, eggs are a relatively low-calorie food. There are just 71 calories in a large egg. There are no carbohydrates or sugars, and only 5 grams of fat (7 percent of your daily recommended intake). ~


silvereyes 8 Mar 1
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An egg is the best food a human can I read somewhere.

As to cholesterol ,forget about it,it s not a problem for humans at all ,we have been misled for decades about this. There is no bad or good cholesterol,our bodies make both naturally and bodies don't make stuff that is harmful. It does block arteries but that is the side affect not the cause,the cholesterol build up is trying to clean the arteries from the damage caused by all the other crap we eat ...mainly sugar and processed foods/drinks.


I love a good fried egg sandwich.


I love eggs I used to eat a half dozen for breakfast sunny side up with grits toast bacon and ketchup , when I used to have 10 hens . I've cut back to four only a couple of times a month . I'll eat them any way their fixed

Besalbub Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Soft scrambled with sharp cheese. and they have to be WET soft-scrambled. none of that pussified soft scrambling.


Poached on cold nights and Western sandwiches on Sunday nights.


Over easy and on top of hash browns or pancakes.

slinkie59 Level 5 Mar 2, 2018

A kiwi thing.... boiled egg to nice and runny on the inside, make toast soldiers, smear with mega amounts of butter and marmite. Dip in egg. nomnomnomnomnom lol
Also Omelettes are the best, cheese, feta cheese, red onion, tomatoes and mushrooms, maybe ham maybe spinach.
Or good ol fried or poached egg on toast.
And yum yes deviled eggs, I love those slurp.

Ahhhhh and of course I almost forgot Eggs benedict and eggs florentine, ohhhhh how I love hollandaise sauce on eggs.

Sacha Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

Scrambled like my thoughts

Daddio Level 4 Mar 1, 2018

Raw, on orange juice, a little milk, add vanilla abstract and sugar... and shake it big time.


I like eggs deviled, scrambled, hard boiled, and poached (runny yolk, but must be solid white). I never cared much for fried eggs, though.

resserts Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

If you eat raw eggs for the biotin you may want to look at this: []
It seems that there is a protien in raw egg whites that blocks the biotin from being absorbed.

dahermit Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

I average more than one egg a day, any way other than omelets really.

Rugglesby Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

I eat eggs about every other morning. I love them so much. I usually have them over easy or scrambled. If I do over easy, I almost always put them on toast. When I make scrambled, I just let them cook for a bit like I was making them over easy, and then scramble them lightly at the end. I like the mix of yellow and white, and not overcooked. Salt and pepper is a must. Every now and then I'll use tabasco or mustard on them.

Also, reading this thread has made me crave eggs. I haven't had any since breakfast. 😮

MollyBell Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

I'm all about the scrambled. With a variety of possible add ins.


I eat eggs fairly often, at least once a week. I like them every way and any way. Never tried them raw, I think the texture would not be pleasant to me.


I love eggs! I mix mine with grits, sausage, and bacon bits! Occasionally I’ll throw on some cheese. It makes a nice casserole.


I scramble mine with a dollop of sour cream. It makes them fluffy!! Another favorite is frying an egg in my small egg pan - piercing the yoke and mixing slightly. After it's cooked on both sides, add a slice of provolone, and a slice of Canadian bacon and serve on English muffin. Instant homemade McMuffin! I also love to eat them hard-boiled with salt. And deviled! I LOVE deviled! Excellent conversation piece, Silvereyes! Thank you for sharing!

LJay Level 3 Mar 1, 2018

The yolk of eggs is also a good source the carotenoid lutein, which you see included in many formulations for eye health. The protein in eggs is considered to be of extremely high quality... right up there with whey protein. The sulfur containing amino acids methionine and cysteine are especially abundant in eggs. Sulfur containing compounds make up a significant part of the composition of the skin, hair, and nails; eggs are commonly thought to be beneficial to these bodyparts. Cysteine is the most abundant amino acid in hair. Therefore, ensuring that your intake of cysteine is optimal is a strategy which may have positive benefit for hair strength, thickness, and growth. However, within the last two years I have seen a new controversy concerning eggs. Some are claiming that consumption of eggs can cause a deleterious change in the gut bacteria, related to its choline content, which is linked to heart disease. This runs counter to the claims of benefit from choline intake which is implied by the Institute of Medicine data from 2007 to 2010 showing that 92% of Americans are not getting the recommended AI (adequate intake) of choline, 550 mg/day for men and 425 mg/day for women (more is recommended in the case of pregnant and lactating women). One commonly encountered claim of benefit for choline is that it's crucial for memory, learning, and brain health. Supposedly the brain will cannibalize its own cells in order to access the choline required for various functions. This choline would be better supplied through ingestion of adequate amounts, because the brain cells which are cannibalized do not appear to be readily replaced. The life extension scientists Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw have written in numerous places about the many benefits of choline, including benefit to the process of orgasm. (I tried to link to one of their articles but was unable. You'll have to Google it) . Also of note, Ray Kurzweil, the "singularity guy" who hopes to live forever, includes choline supplementation in his regimen. By the way, the safest way to eat eggs is probably boiled, because this method of cooking causes the least oxidation of the cholesterol in eggs. In closing, my view on the matter is that for now I will continue my current practice of eating an egg a day, while staying on the lookout for confirming evidence that there is significant enough cause for alarm to stop this practice.

Rossy92 Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

I like them just about any way that you can prepare them. I usually just eat them over easy-medium because that's quick and easy. Omelets are my favorite though because I can put whatever I feel like eating in them.

JimG Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

Over-medium, deviled, hard-boiled (for egg salad), hard-boiled (in a green salad).

KKGator Level 9 Mar 1, 2018

Unfertilised thank you.


Boiled for me spread on toast with lots of butter. I will suffer accordingly


Check our GREEN PEAS...not just any peas...specifically GREEN PEAS...I put them in my morning smoothie...along with whole organic egg...Ceylon tea...quarter cumber and a shot or organic EXTRA VIRGIN (lol) olive oil and other stuff....

KentTurner Level 2 Mar 31, 2018

I eat 3 eggs a day. Usually friend in a cast iron skillet but scrambled is great too.

DenoPenno Level 9 Mar 31, 2018
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