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The insane death of Kennedy Ife proves there is still pro church prejudice even in the worst cases of criminality

Kennedy Ife, 26, was handcuffed and tied up for an exorcism at their £1.3 million mansion because his parents and brothers feared he had been possessed by evil spirits, the Old Bailey heard.

Kennedy Ife had been having trouble sleeping. On the 13th of August 2016, the 26-year-old and his family had been to a Chinese restaurant not too far from their home in Hadley Wood, an affluent north London suburb on the outer fringes of Enfield. In the days after, he started to complain of a sore throat, along with what was becoming persistent insomnia.

He spoke about the need to "take a break" from their church – a worry to his deeply religious parents, who often attended Jesus Sanctuary Ministries, a charismatic Pentecostal church in south-east London.
Kennedy's behaviour grew increasingly disturbed over the course of the following days. On the 19th of August, a Friday, he threatened to cut off his penis, before shouting that he would rape a young girl. This provoked a fight with his father, during which he bit his father resulting in Kennedy being forcibly restrained with cable ties, handcuffs and by two of his brothers, Roy and Colin. Being tied to his bed.
Rather than taking him to see a GP, his mum, known at her church as Sister Jo, sought advice from a minister, the court heard.

The family then set about attempting to "cure" Kennedy through restraint and prayer over the next three days
The family did not consider calling for professional help because it was a "domestic issue". They later claimed

Then, his five brothers took turns to "guard" him as he railed against the serpent he believed to be inside of him for 67 hours.
Father Dr/Professor Ken Ife a multimillionaire international business consultant ( and [] during this time paid for Two pastors from Jesus Sanctuary Ministries to be flown in from Nigeria to pray for Kennedy and attempt to exorcise the evil spirit they believed to be inside him.
On Monday the 22nd of August, another of his brothers, Harry, phoned 999, saying that Kennedy was struggling to breath. By the time paramedics arrived, Kennedy was dead.
The police officers that arrived shortly after found the Ife's attempting a resurrection. "Kennedy, I command you to rise in the name of Jesus," were the words they heard Colin Ife say as he stood by his brother's body
Dr Kenneth Ife, 64, his wife Josephine Ife, 56, and five sons Colin, 26, Harry, 32, Roy 33, and twins Daniel and Samuel, 20, denied being responsible for his death in August 2016, despite admitting denying him food water and freedom of movement
The trial at the Old Bailey heard how members of the family held deep and unusual religious beliefs and were connected with the Jesus Sanctuary Ministries in southeast London.
The court heard that this was a case of exorcism gone wrong, and that visitors from the Ifes' church were actually there to try to expunge the evil spirit from Kennedy's body
On the 14th of March 2019, seven members of the Ife family were found not guilty of manslaughter, false imprisonment and causing or allowing the death of a vulnerable adult.
Well I am Not saying this had anything to do with the acquittal, but

"Prof. Ken Ife is
London Enterprise Ambassador, Co-Chair, EU – AFRICA Business Task Force Summit Group (Trade Working Group),
Brussels, Senior Policy Adviser to the President: Africa Business Round Table/NEPAD Business Group, Lead Consultant to ECOWAS Commission (Private Sector Directorate);
Lead Consultant to Africa Development Bank /Japanese (ADB-FAPA) project building the capacity of private sector intermediary organisations in Africa and Team
ECOWAS Lead Consultant on Private Sector Development
World Bank Consultant on several projects on Trade Facilitation in Nigeria
UNECA/FAO Consultant on PPP in Agribusiness in Africa
Lead Consultant to Nigeria Presidential Committee on Export Promotion & Quality Improvement of Selected Agricultural Produce.
UN Expert (UNECA) on Agribusiness and Agro-Industry Development.
Consultant to UNIDO & MICROSOFT

(From his own website)

Doctor/ Professor Ife is a multi-millionaire, with business interests and connections with governments on three continents
Dr Ife, (Now Professor Ife) is a personal friend of Queen Elizabeth the second, they have been photographed together several times []
Perhaps because there was reasonable doubt as to that had been responsible for his death BECAUSE 2 "ministers" from their church were flown in from Nigeria to pray over Kennedy.
The presence of these two (still unidentified) priests is possibly, why the whole family was acquitted, as there was "reasonable doubt" as to who caused the death, and these two men were never brought to trial as they immediately left the country, presumably to go home.

LenHazell53 9 May 12
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Poor young man....possibly an onset of severe schizophrenia, which manifests usually a bit younger than he was,but no doubt their religion primed them all to accept/ignore weirdness for quite some time.

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 12, 2022

Murderers!!!!!!!!!!!! Plain & simple!!!!


Rise upp brother that murder in the name of Jesus Fucking Christ..he's still dead..smfh..

Charlene Level 9 May 12, 2022

Preach sister, preach it

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