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The Satanic Temple has a wonderful (to me, of course, attitudes may vary) counterpoint to allowing religious organizations' voices in schools and government/government property. It is a recognized religion and carries itself as both a religion, and a counterpoint to religion (specifically Christianity run amuck). I am wondering what other people here think of using this form of practical consequences for religion's overstep (again, my way of thinking)? Would you join or not join, and why? More information can be found on their website, if you don't know much about them: [] Full disclosure, I'm thinking of joining, but might wait until my kid is 18, as ex-husband would flip out and try to take the kid if I did. I may donate to them (tithe, if you will) until then, but are curious as to what others think in general about it.

Holli 6 June 19
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I went the humorous route and claim to be a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a.k.a. Pastafarian.


I can put you in touch with someone who can answer your question. PM me.


Because of your post I did some reading on this Satanic Temple and according to what I was reading they are an opposition to as they put it “arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignty even in the face of insurmountable odds. Satan is an icon for the unbowed will of the unsilenced inquirer… the heretic who questions sacred laws and rejects all tyrannical impositions. Ours is the literary Satan best exemplified by Milton and the Romantic Satanists, from Blake to Shelley, to Anatole France.” And they claim that they are a Religion “without a compulsory attachment to untenable items of faith-based belief.” Which seems to me like trying to have your cake and eat it too as in tax exempt status. I would be in agreement with their philosophy of “pursuit of knowledge and freedom of Will” along with their “Seven Tenets”. With that being said they said and after going to their website they seem to promote the “Satan” part in their symbols, the Goat Head with the Five Point Star and the Black Robes and the “spooky” look and so on. So for me I would say, no, to joining because I’m not down for the “Evil” persona and all. It give the feel of a cult. But that is my take on it but if you feel it is right for you then have at it. I’m not judging one way to the other.

That is the religion part, and I'm a bit iffy on that as well, however, did you read about their work as being a living, breathing, counterweight to Christian clubs in schools, and did you know they won a court case for a woman member to get a legal abortion without having to wait 3 days (as the stupid law of her state said to do) based on her Satanist beliefs that her body was her own and the law infringed on her religious rights. Amazing times we live in. That is their coolness for me. I'm not sure how much the (black) bells and whistles are beliefs and how much are sticking to the law of being a religion to use the operation as a "front' to fight fire with fire (metaphorically speaking). Having a religion be a front for something else is not new (Joel Olsteen), so I don't mind when used for good. But still...sticky questions..

I think everyone's idea of the definition of religion is a little different. So what is religion? A belief in a god? NO because some religions do not believe in god! So if religion is just following rules or beliefs about something then how is it different from government or clubs. To call TST a cult because of pictures of a goat used as a sign of Satan is a far stretch. Again what is a cult besides people following rules or guidelines? The dictionary defines religion as a belief in a god or gods, but Buddhism is considered a religion and they do not believe in a god but self enlightenment! If we take the dictionary as fact then TST can not be a religion because they do not believe in a god. The dictionary defines cult as a system of religious worship or ritual, therefore this definition claims, to be a cult you must be religious or have a belief in god. Again TST would not fit this description! I have looked into TST and have met with some of their members and I was very impressed. They seem to focus on education of freedom to the people and they use the symbol of Satan to show the defiance of theological mentality. I would suggest to go to one of their meetings and learn more before joining. Make a more educated evaluation of their group by participation before taking others opinions who have not participated at all!

@IpraiseMYSELF some US governmental agency gave them the tax status or legal status of 'religion' which is how they can 'compete' with christianity in schools and public statues, etc., where religious expression is allowed in error. That is why-until I learn more-i call them a religion. And I'm generally favorably impressed, too. Pastafarianism is also legally defined as a religion in Australia (and other places?) So not all "religions" "save souls" in the same way. 😉 what a new world order this is! Ramen!

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