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As of 13 Jul 2014 - Pope Francis claimed only 'One in 50' Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals is a paedophile.
That does not seem to scary, does it, disturbing but, not scary.
This number is apparently in line (according to the Vatican) with the membership of the RC as a whole, so priests are nothing special.

The suggestion that one in every 50 members of the Catholic Church is a paedophile means you have to consider that there are
1,229,000,000 lay members of the catholic church

1,229,000,000 even if only 2% (1 in 50) are paedophiles that is

24,580,000 perverts

Given that there are at the last count
414,313 priests,
5,100 bishops,
and 4000 various other higher ranks in the Rc

Then among the clergy (not counting monks, nuns and laity ) there are eight thousand four hundred and sixty eight dangerous pervert clergymen on the loose at any one time with open access to victims.

So using his holiness the pope's own estimate Catholics make up a grand total of 24,588,468 of the world's paedophiles
A staggering 0.36% of the population of the entire world are as estimated by Pope Francis to be Roman catholic paedophiles.

Anyone else find that worrying?
Because I bloody well do!


LenHazell53 9 Aug 10
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So do I. He only knows what has been reported. How many more are there out there in catholic land? How many are still getting away with it? does one quantify the horrible effects this filthy behavior has on innocent children? Don’t believe the pope. His first responsibility is to protect this dark church!

IAmLove Level 7 Aug 10, 2018

All too true, but I believe it was Pius XII who made a point of saying the Church itself was far greater than the sum of any number of its part, which of course was perfectly in line his fascist sensibilities.
It is also a convenient get out clause for saying the church is responsible for giving guidance but is not responsible for it's member consequent actions.

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