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Today on Facebook my cousin posted this "How cool is it that the same God who created mountains, and oceans, and galaxies, looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too?".

What i wanted to respond with was something along the lines of " and also created all those who rape the planet for their greed , destroying it. Because we apparently needed those too.". But, i love my cousin so i didn't respond at all. Chaps my ass.

Thank you for letting me express how i really feel.

moonmaid 8 Oct 9
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I'm sure it wasn't meant as anything but just a nice thought but it does come across a little narcissistic when you think about it. I mean to suggest that the Universe needed this person is a little grandiose.


Well, TBH, it seems your delusional cousin meant that as a kind thought. Be thankful you don't have a cousin that prays for you because they believe you are going to burn in hell.


I get that a lot with my Christian family and friends, especially since a lot of them don't know I'm an atheist


Willful ignorance is what gets me too. It's one thing to not know something. It's completely different to not want to know.

freeofgod Level 8 Oct 9, 2018

Why can't it just be cool that there is one of you, without the need to think that a magic man is the reason for it? Or why does there even need to be a reason? It's just cool that you are. Isn't that enough? Yea, I wouldn't have commented either. That never goes anywhere. That's why this group is here. 🙂


I hate the blindness of so-called Christians

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