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It is not often that I run into Fundies. But when I do, I get tempted to punch them out. I do not do this because I would get prosecuted. Does anyone else feel this way?

SKH78 8 Dec 8
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It is not so much what they chose to believe it is how they chose to express in loud and forceful terms, the preaching of it to everyone else as an absolute necessity for their eternal avoidance of the sadistic cruelty of their all loving prick of a god


No, I am tempted to run.


What's a fundy ??

Pralina1 Level 9 Dec 8, 2018

I religious fundamentalist, they are the right wing of the right wing christians, the most extreme are like Wetboro Baptist where the protest that every bad thing that happens is god's wrath.

@glennlab thank u Mr Glenn . Have I told u lately how much I love u ?????
Those assholes . F them . I smoked cigrts for 30 yrs . My oxygen is precious . They are not worthy spending it on them .

@Pralina1 Yes you have, but it never gets old. Luv U 2.

FUNDIE (fun'dee) n. and adj. (Var. Fundy; pls. Fundies, Fundys),
A member of an American conservative religious movement that believes
in biblical inerrancy.  This movement had its roots in the
nineteenth-century orthodox reaction to the higher (historico-
literary) criticism of the Bible that originated among European
theologians and was accepted by American "modernists".
Fundamentalism owes its name to the "Five Fundamentals", a list of
five beliefs that the Presbyterian General Assembly drew up in 1910
as being essential to the Christian faith.  Among those fundamentals
was the doctrine of biblical inerrancy.

Fundies (scientifically: Homo nesciens idiotus) come in two
varieties; (about more later) but are united by the belief that each
and every word ("jot and tittle" ) of the Holy Writ (at least, their
latest authorized version) is unequivocally true.  When they find a
text convenient to an argument, it is quotable as the ultimate truth.
But when confronted with an apparent contradiction, however rational
and logical, they sail away upon the wings of a symbol, an analogy of
hidden or recondite significance.

Although two separate and distinct "kinds" of fundies exist,
(H.n.i. var. ruralensis and H.n.i. var. urbanensis), they can be
typically identified by their ubiquitous possession of a heavily
thumped (but seldom read) Bible; an almost cataleptic and
unquestioned adherence to dated dogma and the extraordinarily
annoying ability of being able to interject their own personal
version of ethics and morality into almost any subject, no matter how
abstruse.  As a group, they are exasperatingly uni-dimensional.

H.n.i. var. ruralensis can be typified as a backwoods rustic living
among the 'possums, 'coons, 'dillos and magnolias who is functionally
illiterate.  Though some may become transplanted to more municipal
settings; they stubbornly adhere to old habits: mouth breathing,
barefootedness and brainless Bible-based bleating.

A macroevolutionary jump (although most would argue that it is
really a regressive event) is responsible for the other variety:
H.n.i. var. urbanensis.  They arose from their humbler cousins in the
deep, dark, dank backwoods but have evolved to exploit the trophism
of bright lights, television cameras, teleprompters and wireless
communication.  Basically, a member of this group can be described as
a country bumpkin of the wacko-right turned religious zealot and
usually named Billy, Jimmy, Oral or some other familiar sobriquet.
They drape the mantle of Christian piety around their shoulders
(which they carefully interweave with the American flag), and
stomping off on a witch hunt; ferret out "fellow travelers", "one-
worlders", that archenemy of all right thinking people: the "secular
humanist", and other assorted bogeymen.  With a primitive view of
this world and a psychedelic view of the next, they harangue lost
sinners (and those with the ability to think for themselves) in an
impassioned and declamatory style to "REPENT!" and be born again.
Ranting and raving; and spouting smoke, fury, fire, brimstone and
stained glass blather; they pace whatever stage they can usurp like a
whirling dervish with a caffeine addiction.  The venue may change,
but the song always remains the same.

Usually, such narrowly unspecialized organisms as the ones cited
above represent an evolutionary dead-end.  In these cases, though, it
is more of a U-turn.

-Marty Leipzig, HolySmoke

@GuyKeith I am so thankful . Wow . Thank u so much . ?????????????????????
Sir ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

@Pralina1 Sorry that the paragraph breaks did not transfer over with the copy/pasta

@Pralina1 Here is what I wrote in my article, The ABCS of Evangelical Christians []

A unflattering nickname for a fundamentalist or member of an American conservative movement that believes in the inerrancy of the Bible and its absolute authority over mankind, like it or not. These cement-headed individuals come in several varieties, namely the urban and the rural, but they all have one thing in common. Their commonality is that no scientific or observable fact or event, no matter how pervasive or compelling, can override the unequivocal truth found in their holy writ. When confronted with any rational and apparent contradiction to their book of ultimate truth, the Fundie will retreat to the safety of translation error or some bizarre symbolic analogy with a hidden or unknowable meaning.

Dinosaur fossils that predate human existence by tens of millions of years were cleverly hidden in the geological strata by Satan to appear old. These unfortunate reptiles perished not from asteroid striking the Yucatan 65 million years ago, but on the ark of Noah, in the form of dinosaur eggs, the adults being too large to fit. Nothing, I mean nothing is impossible with the rabid rationalization of the Fundie, if self deception will somehow support a version of this earths history written by a bunch of primitive, Bronze-Aged animal herders.

@GuyKeith WHO ARE U ? ? This is GREAT ! This is HILARIOYS . Omfg . Wow . THANK U FOR SHARING , i am so glad I asked my ignorant question bcz look what I gained here ! This is gonna travel to Florida , Texas and Cali today for my friends to enjoy . ????????????????

@Pralina1 I am just a Guy who likes to write. I really appreciate you reading my stuff.

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