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Christian Host Bryan Fischer Defends New Zealand Terror Attack As ‘Vigilante Justice’

MojoDave 9 Mar 17
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That bozo shot up the wrong group-he should have started with this idiot. Conservative christians, conservative muslims- same difference. my god is the only true peace loving god and yours is a false god therefore I have to kill you.

EricJones Level 8 Mar 24, 2019

So sad, as Chris Hitchen said, religion poisons everything, and these days morons cue up to drink the koolaid.
This was just the first shot in a war that will engulf the whole world, thousands, perhaps a million plus are likely to die in a conflict that will probably never be declared as an actual war, but will be fought on the streets of our cities and in and for the hearts and minds of our children and grandchildren.
And when it it won and lost it will still only to be got the glory of an invisible intangible fantasy figure and its presumed preferences.


What a sack of horse poo.

Arachne Level 6 Mar 17, 2019

Some Christians have seriously lost their way. They don't understand their own scriptures anymore, such as 'my (Christ's) kingdom is no part of this world', 'be in the world but no part of it' and 'be in subjection to the secular authorities'.

They have a gospel that frees them from political concerns and allows them to grow their own spirituality as they wait on their Messiah to return and bring in his new kingdom. I think this wish to do Christ's work for him would be called presumptuousness in the Bible.

brentan Level 8 Mar 17, 2019

I don’t understand what you said. I think those folks lost their way the day they were indoctrinated.

I put it down to the difference between how a Christian should think and how they usually think.

Any institution that tells you how you should think, rather than simply encourages you to think, is dispicable in my opinion.

@LenHazell53 I'm not sure. You always seem to think in black and white. I'm even more confused at how how people are educated nowadays, believing that universities should teach people how to think but have turned into preaching centres of their own. I suspect just being taught to think could result in very ignorant, albeit it very intellectual conclusions such as the the stuff the French philosophers came up with in the 60s.

You have completely missed my point
Just to clarify teaching a person to think critically and objectively leads to a freedom of thought and the ability to judge based on facts and evidence.
Teaching someone that they Should or Must think in a certain way or be wrong in the eyes of their peers regardless of evidence or reality is brainwashing.
Yes I do have a black and white outlook where facts and evidence are concerned, that which is knowingly propagated as fact or reality that is not is a lie, no ifs or buts.
Black is black, white is white, and a lie is a lie.
This is why we have hypothesis and theories, not shades of grey.

By the way cannot respect the sweeping generalisation that the entire French Philosophical movement is made up of
"very ignorant, albeit it very intellectual conclusions"
Such an opinion will I am sure allow readers of this thread to make up their own mind about the worth of your own intellectual capacity for reaching valid conclusions.

@LenHazell53 I think I understood you well enough. What I don't quite understand is your motivation to engage with me when we see things so very differently. Why not leave it at that?

Some? How about ALL?

@brentan How Christians DO THINK is not surprising at all. With a template like The Holy Bible, it is no wonder that we have killings, hatred, intolerance, misogyny, homo-hatred and racism. You give Christians TOO MUCH CREDIT.

@GuyKeith I know the Bible quite well and have a lot of respect for what our Judeo-Christian tradition gave us.

@brentan Such as what? I know the Bible as well.

@GuyKeith Where to start?

@brentan Why don't you start by defending the vile piece of garbage known as the Holy Bible.

@GuyKeith I do this all the time. I think there's plenty wrong in the Bible but I argue where I think criticism is wrong.


Sooo Christ like ????????

Pralina1 Level 9 Mar 17, 2019

Know it all.

Hypocrite christian! News reports say that 1% of New Zealanders are Muslim. That's one hell of a threatening invasion! Trumps evil influence incites white terrorists worldwide, not that it was only him.

@MojoDave Yes, hypocrites the lot of them1 Agreed, scump's hatred has spread far beyond the US borders.

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