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Today I had to go get cataract surgery in Dallas. Being I didn't have anyone to come pick me up if I drove myself I had to take medical transportation. So this morning when the woman called me and asked me where I lived at and I started telling her she cut me off and asked if I lived in the apartments. I told her yes then she asked if they were the same ones by the police station and I told her no. I went on to explain theres 5 different sets of apartments and I'm in the ones by the Dollar General(not the police department). Then she repeated do I live in the apartments so I tried to explain to her not the same ones she was referring to. Then she asked in a different way does she go straight through the light and I said no. She needed to take a right at the light and as soon as she see's the Dollar General she takes a left. She got it and hung up. So when she pulls up the first the popped into my mind was that horrid woman from a Youtube clip about Bible Camp. And she was blasting christian music then turned the radio on to some evangelical sermon bullshit. And she was driving like she was in a damn dirttrack racing going down the highway all the way to Dallas. Anytime I would ask her anything she was hateful in her responses. So I tuned her out for the ride and was glad I had brought something to read while my W/C shifted with each lane change. My question is has anybody else experienced such holier than thou above you rudeness?

Looking4-Others 8 May 6
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That's did lasik work out?

Charlene Level 9 May 6, 2019

@Looking4-Others glad it worked did the surgery go?

@Looking4-Others that was totally asshole-ish...but hilarious!..😂😂😂😂


Experienced it? I lived with it for the first 19 years of my life.
My mother was the most "Holier than thou" bible thumping, tambourine bashing, Salvation army Christian supremesist anyone could ever hope to meet.

@Looking4-Others i’ll Say. I was raised by a fanatical Roman Catholic of those who applies the rules to everyone else but not to her. Hahaha

@Looking4-Others Thank you.

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