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The thought police are here, judging art for us. Determining what is fit for us to see and hear. Read the UK also pulled the "Who started the war" episode of faulty towers as it's racist to Germans. Mind you, slapping Spanish Manuel over the head every episode seems ok though.

powder 8 June 11
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This is stupid as it is the Englishman who is being ridiculed and shown up as an ass. The German's are reasonable and polite for as long as possible.

Budgie Level 8 June 15, 2020

And talking of discrimination for several years I attended a medical general practice operated by a local Aboriginal co-operative. I don't any longer because they discriminated against me, failing for five months to provide an ongoing referral to specialist medical service that I had been attending & needing for several years.
That this was done by supposedly qualified black nurses, a doctor who needed to lose 50 kilos (his hugely fat beergut hung over his shorts and frequently revealed itself out of his shirt) and management committee gouging the medicare system.
When asked "doesn't this practice have a duty of care to its patients & why is that not being exercised in my case?" I was told that I was being aggressive, threatening and that the police would be called! The black male receptionist less than half my age identifying his inferiority complex in the face of logic & proven practice professional failure. I simply walked away from the reception window and sat on the other side of the reception waiting room about twelve feet away. I was then accused of shouting. The recording of the exchange taking place in my top pocket identifies who was shouting.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 11, 2020

I now have to travel 200 klms to see my GP. who provided the referral at first consultation.


Net who? Another legend in their own lunchbox?

FrayedBear Level 9 June 11, 2020

WTF , has happened to the good old sense of humour people once had?
We used to actually get good belly-laughs from watching shows that poked fun at ourselves once, now we can't get anything really worthwhile watching UNLESS , imo, it's that totally crappy garbage that Americans call humour and it ALL has to be 100% Politically Correct.
I mean we can NO LONGER call the smallest of penguins by their original name of Fairy Penguins because the Gay Community objected to it, now they find Faulty Towers offensive because of 1 single episode but it's still okay for Manuel to be treated like shit.
Anyone who is NOT of a darkish coloured skin tone can be abused by abused openly on the streets by someone of a dark skin tone and MUST just sit/stand there and take it expecting NO legal redress what-so-ever.
God-bothering Bible-Bashers can knock on your door, etc, etc, at will and you are NOW expected to listen to their mindless drivel.
The Evangelidiots are 'offended' by the LGBT Community using their Rainbow Flag BUT no-one is permitted to take offense at the Aboriginal Flag which is displayed everywhere across Australia.
Last November, my 6 year old nephew copped a serve, in no uncertain terms I might add, from his Animal Rights Activist Teacher because he showed the class his pink, ceramic 'Piggy Bank' that he saving money in.
A couple of summers ago, my 70 year old neighbour had her entire garden bed full of Rainbow roses destroyed one night.
WHEN are all of these Bleed-Heart, Snowflakes going grow a back-bone and get a REAL life?

Triphid Level 9 June 11, 2020
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