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I'm posting this partly so I can find it again in case shidmark renigs.
I visit a nursing home multiple times a week. It's no longer mandated that flu shots must be taken by all visitors so I'm dirty I was forced to get one by mandate at my own expense last year. This flip flopping is doing my head in.

powder 8 Feb 12
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Lol. We've just gone into 5 day lockdown & I'm 450 klms from home but now only allowed to travel 5 klms. I voluntered to give a concert at the retirement village across the road but the message has come back that it requires too much paperwork & proof of flu shot!

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 12, 2021

How about transmitting it to the residents and watching them die one by one and knowing it was your fault?

@powder What are they?

@powder Am I perhaps and in my opinion seeing a large serving of the old, "Not my Problem" attitude here?
Perhaps even imo, combined with a liberal dosage of " I don't give a shit for anyone ELSE but me" as well.
If so, then my estimation, etc, of you has dropped even further as of now.

@powder Oh, so you're a virologist? And this virus is just like the last? So, personal responsibility is the way? We are fucking lost if that is the case.

@powder You can visit "personal responsibility" in Florida. Lots of dead there.


WHY should, in this C-19 Pandemic, VACCINATIONS NOT be mandated as being both Important and Legal for EVERYONE to have?
I see you are complain, imo, that you HAD TO have a Flu shot so you MAY visit someone in a Nursing home.
WTF is so wrong with that, does it NOT both protect YOU and the other Residents as well from becoming infected with the Flu?
Or, imo, are you so SELFISH that YOU will PUT your beliefs or what ever ABOVE those of EVERYONE ELSE?
How MANY lives are YOU WILLING to put at RISK for your OWN Personal Rights/Beliefs, etc?
Is it ONE, TEN, a DOZEN, A Hundred or perhaps a FEW THOUSAND or more?

Triphid Level 9 Feb 12, 2021

@powder Sorry BUT you have somewhat LOST, imo, quite a bit of my personal respect and esteem right here and now.
Due to, imo, the seemingly LACK of Concern you appear to exhibit, imo, towards others.

@powder Yes and under NORMAL Circumstances a persons consent to ANY Medical Procedure is their concern and theirs alone, I agree with you ONLY that point.
BUT, surely you can see plainly that there ARE NOT normal times?
OR can YOU???

@powder Yes, you have EXPRESSED your GREAT and Driving, imo, DESIRE to return to Thailand to check upon and sell your PROPERTY over there more times than I care to count.
But IS the hopeful PROFIT you MAY receive from that Sale, etc, TRULY and Honestly WORTH the POSSIBLE and Probable RISKS you may well be placing yourself and innumerable others in by satiating your OWN wants and Desires?

@powder AW, what would you like me to do for you, CRY perhaps.
May one most humbly suggest here that you trying growing a set of BALLS and getting over yourself for a change?
In case you ARE unaware the ENTIRE Human Race is now sharing exactly the same boat and the seas, so to speak metaphorically, are BLOODY rough and VERY unforgiving at present.

@powder CAN YOU ACTUALLY Guarantee that as 100% ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY both in Thailand and ELSEWHERE as well?
NO, you cannot by any means do so and NOT in ANYONES Wildest of Dreams.

@Triphid This guy is not aware of the definition of "emergency". I was taught in the Forces, you do more than the minimum. If you want to survive. The very term of emergency is an event which is not ordinary. And leaving society to do what it wants? Leaderless.

@powder Now when the beep sounded to tell that I had another Alert to an incoming post HOW did I guess that it would HAVE to be you?
Jeez Louise, may be, just maybe, I've suddenly become the reincarnated Nostradamus or someone.
I reckon, imo, YOU"D argue the toss with a Mortician as whether or not you were REALLY dead or not.

@PondartIncbendog In my opinion here, I sincerely doubt IF he'd actually know and realize what a Medical Emergency was EVEN if it got up and bit on the arse a few times.
Not kidding ,etc, but I have dealt with more Emergencies than I care to count in my Working Life, both Medical and otherwise.

@Triphid Is "Global Pandemic" not alarming enough? What do some people need? Blood coming out of their nipples?

@triphid news tonight!!! People around the globe are bleeding from their nipples. Republicans don't understand.......... More at eleven.

@powder Yes, America twice, Egypt once, New Guinea once for 2 months, East Timor, Vietnam as a Pilot in Medivac Choppers for 2 tours of Duty, N.Z. once and Sri Lanka once.
How about you, DID you serve your COUNTRY?

@PondartIncbendog Funny but I'm hearing the sound of the world's SMALLEST violin playing atm, and I think it is playing just for @Powder somehow.

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