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Dave Allan on Australians

This may yet end up in my profile.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 3
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One of the best!

Mooolah Level 8 Sep 4, 2021

The observational humour was as sharp as the mastery of Australian diction.

Sarcasm will not take you far in Australia. It goes above most heads.


Nice job done by Dave Allen, easy to realise that he was returning the favour we Aussies do by chucking mullock at the Irish though.
The TRUE Aussie accent and lingo hadn't quite gotten through to Dave when that was made though.
Yes we do tend to add "ie" or "Y" to the end of words, we shorten phrases as well, i.e. Good Day becomes G'day in Australia.
Btw, Shearing Team Bosses DO NOT have and are NOT known for having a sense of humour at all, they are really dead-pan, humorless lumps with arms and legs that could raise a laugh if their lives depend upon it.

Triphid Level 9 Sep 3, 2021

And he got the selfish xenophobic whites correctly spotted.

@FrayedBear Bloody Batshit crazy Bullshit and you as a WHITE English Born and Bred Person should know since the English went through almost 4 CENTURIES of Racism against ANYONE who was NOT of Western European/Caucasian Heritage, Instigated Slave Trading from Africa to the Caribbean Islands for their Sugar Plantations, Instigated the Stolen Generation in Australia, Instigated the Bounty Paid on the Heads of Australian Aboriginals Slaughtered in the Name of England, Instigated the Mau-Mau Riots and Rebellion in Africa, the Riots and Rebellion in India, Instigated the American War of Independence, need I add FURTHER to the HOW Blatantly RACIST your Poms have ALWAYS been.
Maybe you should REMEMBER things BEFORE you start being the Pot and CALLING the Kettle Black.

@Triphid Perhaps you would like to answer why your attitude, beliefs and behaviour make it hard to differentiate between yourself & Hitler's brown shirts of the 1930's?


Trying yet again to disrespect the same country you ELECTED to make your home in are you @FrayedBear?
Haven't change even one iota imo, have you?
How do you reckon you'd have doing IF you still back in Pommieland during their lengthy Lockdown sessions, etc, etc?

Triphid Level 9 Sep 3, 2021

Lol. Lockdown simply put everyone into a situation little different to the one that I already lived in. I believe that UK lockdown was abandoned a month ago. I read that you maintain your ignorant rage & chips on your shoulders.

@FrayedBear My Rage and Chips on my shoulder at WHAT may I ask.
If you are referring to some those inane, idiotic ANTI_VAXX comments coming from the rectal orifice of a certain member in QLD then yes I am righteously pissed off at him and his drivel.

@Triphid incidentally I was drawn here through blatant misrepresentation by the Australian federal government claiming to run a country that was governed under international human rights covenants. It still isn't 60+ years after Doc Evatt helped start the ball rolling.

@FrayedBear So NO-ONE forced to to come here then did they?
YOU CAME of your volition then is that not so, so why then are you whinging still.
I presume you still get a pension from Pommieland as well the Aussie one also?


Who blanked out the punchline halfway through?

Which punchline was that?

@FrayedBear At the end of the shark story.

@Marionville I thought the punchline was that no one used the beach for 3 days & Allen did a personal best returning to the beach

@FrayedBear He made a comment after that ….maybe it wasn’t the punchline if you want to be pedantic, but it was certainly another line..but blanked out!

@Marionville I probably had lost interest by then. Hopefully someone else will satisfy your query.

@FrayedBear I did not expect you to know what was said that required blanking it, however I did expect you to watch the whole video to the end…it is your post after all!

Noticed that myself, however it is NOT censored on the dvd of the same show that I have in my collection.

@Triphid so what was censored?

@Marionville your disappointment not mine.

@FrayedBear What, stone the Crows and stuff the Duck, @FrayedBear got NO disappointment from his posting having censored bit in it.
Shit a brick, I'd better go bring the washing and fit the chickens with Scuba tanks, we're in some REALLY torrential rain very very soon, it'll be a MASSIVE shock the entire Cosmos when this news leaks out.

@FrayedBear What, you WANT me to tell YOU?
I thought you knew everything and Anything?

@Triphid Marje asked the question not I.
I'm curious about your profile. It states that you smoke. I thought that you stated that your lungs are badly damaged from an uncompensated industrial accident.
Is one or both your revelations true?

@FrayedBear Check back a bit, you WILL see that you asked me.

@FrayedBear Btw, the situation that M.J. Fox is and was in is FAR, FAR, FAR and very remotely different than yours I do believe, is it not?
He has, IF I'm correct either Parkinsonism or M.N.D. or both .
What's yours, Medically diagnosed and treated btw please?

@Triphid Lol. Blind in the eye, the brain or reading something different to what I see?

@FrayedBear Then, imo, it IS you are blind and apathetic, since Michael J. Fox does suffer from Parkinson's Disease.
But, unlike you imo, HE WILL not let it get him down and merely become a keypad whiner and whinger.
BTW, HERE I cite and QUOTE " @Trphid, What was censored?" posted by @FrayedBear, Sept. 23rd, 2021.
Perhaps you NEED Spec-Savers.

@Triphid as you claim to have an uncensored version why do you you not simply advise us all of what has been censored in the posted video instead of frothing at the mouth like a lunatic Australian ethnic cleansing racist?

@FrayedBear WHY the F*** don't you get yourself a LIFE you poor demented, self-imposed eremitic Social Outcast imo.
How can one be a " Lunatic Australian ethnic cleansing racist" and,
A) still have you living in this country,
b) of INDIGENOUS Australian Aboriginal Blood, Irish, Scots, French, German, Nordic, Spanish, Sri Lanka, North American Cherokee and Navajo Blood PLUS quite a number more as well.
Btw, WE did NOT invite you to OUR country, you chose to come here or arrived with your parents.
What's with the seeming, imo sick curiosity, regard my Pulmonary health/condition?
Yes my lungs and air-ways have been damaged by Anhydrous Ammonia Gas that erupted from the INCOORECTLY fitted Safety Valve on a Railway Tanker back in 1989, Yes, I do smoke then, I gave up until 2000 when my 15 year old Daughter, Lorrae Kathleen, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Mature B Cell Lymphoma, the stress, etc, caused me to start smoking again because it IS not easy watching your ONLY living child go through Chemotherapy and being at her bed-side 24/4 whilst feeling almost absolutely helpless.
Recently I quit smoking and have tobacco free now for well over 15 weeks and WAS enjoying life greatly, so much so that, instead of listening to the voice of my conscience and heeding it, I relented and Unblocked you, an error I thankfully can and will be rectifying very soon.
Btw, for Marionville and the others the censored bit is where Dave Allen states that " he shit his swimsuit as he did a "Jesus" and ran across the waters back to the beach."

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