3 2

Didn't take them long, did it?

The new Labor government, I mean.

The old Hawke Keating excuse, recycled by every new government. " Now we've seen the books, and the situation is worse than we expected, in fact it's dire, so please forget all our promises."

Thanks to the bodgie and the clock collector for introducing this little device into Australian politics since 1983.

I'm so shocked. (Not)

This is what i mean about the ALP. Why i have no illusions.

David1955 8 May 25
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Lieberals & Lieberals lite aka "now it's our turn to have our noses in the trough"?

FrayedBear Level 9 May 25, 2022

I was just hoping that, for once, they would say, "we knew the government was conceaing the truth about "the books", and we planned for that in our election agenda" instead if 'Oh, the government was lying about the books and we're so shocked and now we're being 'honest' with 'the Australian people" about what we can do". For once I was hoping. If the silver bodgie and the clock collector contributed anything to Australia, it was this little new government tactic.

@David1955 did the wee bodgie get his nickname from this definition? : []

As for the Bankstown bovver boy all I can say is that he frequently had a good line of patter & Italian suits.

@FrayedBear yes bodgie was a term in my youth, meaning a bit of a larrikin, and they had a style like mods and rockers in the 60s. A fluffy head of hair was part of it, hence Hawke and his silver main. As for Clockwork Paul, I still don't know why they honour him, for his Australianized version of Reaganism and Thatcherism. He saved us from becoming a Banana Republic by turning us into a Right Wing dream, from which we are only now slowly (maybe) coming out of. Anyone who doesn't think that Horrible Howard couldn't have done what he did without the Bodgie and Lurch doing what they did first, isn't reading Australian political history well.

As per this "the books are bad" crap, I was stupid enough to watch and cheer Hawke during the 1983 election at the Festival Theatre in Adelaide, only to hear all the promises discarded 3 days after the election because 'the books are bad'. It's been a regular line ever since, and even now with this new govt. The Shit Light Party indeed.



anglophone Level 9 May 25, 2022

Reported on ABC news today. The new Treasurer used the term 'dire' and how they had to be 'honest' with Australians. I watched him. This is as predictable as anything can be. Already they are walking back promises, pretending that the previous govt concealed the truth - like Hawke said about Frazer, like Rudd said about Howard, like Abbott said about Gillard/Rudd.


What, you mean you'd prefer to be back in the situations that ScumMo and Co. put the country in would you?
You do realize, I HOPE that it HAS only OFFICIALLY 3 days since the Election and FYI, Rome was NOT built in day, the Universe DID come in ti being in 6 days as per the Holey Babble, and Mohammed COULD NOT move mountains either.

Triphid Level 9 May 25, 2022

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