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Hey did you guys see this? I just love that ocker guy. 2 very different Aussie accents. It's a great clip.

MsDemeanour 8 Aug 4
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Just watched the whole clip from go to whoa, bloody ripper of an artwork, great to see they both had the ' family jewels' enough to a) put something eye-catching ( other than the usual shit-dipping scrawl that the younger generation Drongos spray everywhere these days) on a surface otherwise as bland and boring as a politicians' promise/speech, and b) someone with the nous to ensure the artwork is preserved as long as possible, well until some brain-dead Bean Counter in Local Government decides to stick his/her nose into it and stuffs up yet another thing of beauty, replacing it with either advertising signage or just a dead-pan coat of paint.

As for the 'accents,' they differ from area to area, state to state in Australia, some slightly, some quite noticeably, but that's Australia, keep it up my fellow Aussies, please don't go all Yankee, keep our unique identity alive and kicking.

Triphid Level 9 Sep 20, 2018

No idea with my accent. Moved to Melbourne when I was 1, and I started learning to talk there. Then a couple of years in Wellington, so when I started school in rural Queensland, I had a Kiwi accent. 12 years there, then 18 years in Brisbane, before 3 years in Chicago and 10 years in the US South...
I dare anyone to place my accent precisely ?

miffy Level 5 Aug 5, 2018

No idea with my accent. Moved to Melbourne when I was 1, and I started learning to talk there. Then a couple of years in Wellington, so when I started school in rural Queensland, I had a Kiwi accent. 12 years there, then 18 years in Brisbane, before 3 years in Chicago and 10 years in the US South...
I dare anyone to place my accent precisely ?

miffy Level 5 Aug 5, 2018

Amazing artwork. Glad they saved it.

Ozman Level 7 Aug 4, 2018

what a great episode! i'm laughing wombat tears.


Good find. Warnambool is just down the road from where I live.

it is beautiful there. And Port Fairy


We have a surprising array of variations of our accent in Australia. Locals can pick a Queenslander from a South Australian immediately, for instance.

er yep. I was born in Adelaide but moving to Qld when I was 13, I was teased for my 'posh' accent. I soon dropped the cultured speech and while not as ockerish as some, my accent is definitely broad australian

@MsDemeanour Apologies, poor assumption I my part.

I was born a Queenslander but moved to Canberra more than half a lifetime ago. People can hardly believe I spent my first 21 years in Brisbane. And, yes, there is definitely that Adelaide posh sound.

@Palindromeman No apologies necessary. We are what we are. But just because some might sound more like Julia Gillard or Steve Irwin than Malcolm Fraser, it would be a mistake to make assumptions on intelligence.

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