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What is the point of the ALP?


I'm afraid this article just captures perfectly my feeling about the parties here.

The gutting of the ALP ideologically, started in the 80s, shows no sign of reversal. Even in the UK and the US with their Democrats some rebellion against Neo liberal ideology that has been to the advantage only of the elites.

As an atheist, who also believes in a progressive Australia, there's little comfort in any prospect of a Labor government, especially one that will pour money into religious schools in order to match conservative policies that have sought to entrench the elitism through religious education systems.

Only two Prime Minsters over the past half century have brought a real vision in their pursuit of Office. One was Gough Whitlam, though he was torn apart for it, but his stamp on Australia continues to today. The other, on the Right, was John Howard, whose right wing remaking of Australia I loathed.

The other PMs have been 'personal destiny fulfillers' motivated only by the goal of self glory, deplete of any vision or ideological attachment. We've got another one waiting in the wings. A right wing, silver-tail, unionist, personal destiny fulfiller called B. Shorten, whose policies will be little different from the current mob.

What indeed is the point of the ALP now?

David1955 8 Sep 23
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In my personal opinion, BOTH major parties are a complete and utter WASTE of time, space, oxygen and nutrients. The ALP (aka Absolutely Lost Party) are so far adrift from reality under Bill " Shortonballs" Shorten that they are way beyond the Land of the Fairies, they lost the "plot" totally ever since Gough Whitlam was stabbed in the back by the cronies of Malcom ( Razor) Fraser, nothing unusual there since the greatest talent of any of the LNP ( Lying Narcissist Party) members/acolytes MUST possess is the ability to insert the knife into back of anyone except their wealthy supporters with consummate ease and NO compunctions what-so-ever.

We need to tear down the 2 Party, Westminster System replacing it with a 100% Democratic system of Elections and Government, draft a completely NEW Constitution that has been ratified by ALL Australian Citizens, not just the Australian Government of the day and the British Interests, become a True Democratic Republic where, in particular, the vote of an Elector CAN NOT be "traded" away at the whim of ANY Political Party BUT stands ONLY for the person/party for which it was cast in the first place.

We need also to ensure by irrefutable Laws that ANY Government/Party is COMPLETELY free and beyond ANY and ALL influences of Religion/s, the Rich End of Town, etc, etc, and ANSWERABLE ONLY to the People.

After all, Democracy MEANS the Government OF the People, BY the People and FOR the People NOT as it is these days being the Government of the Many, By the Select Few and For the BENEFIT of the very select, Elite Few as we see so often and regularly these days.

Triphid Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

@David1955 I like you ideas on WHAT the policies should as to the people and the Nation.
Any Party that vowed to instigate such would get my support 100%, but I'd like to see the Taxation system and income increases re-worked in such a way that the greater the income/wealth the HIGHER the Taxes you pay and the less of an increase you receive, i.e. a person earning below $100,000 p.a. would receive more of an increase than one earning $100,00 p.a. since as it is now an increase of 1.5% is nothing more than a drop of urine in a bucket to the Low Income Earners but to a High Income Earner it is a bloody big chunk of the pie, a huge imbalance in my opinion.
Also, I feel most sincerely that;
A) All elected politicians should be legal made to declare any and ALL external incomes/ interests, etc, PRIOR to being elected and should be made to survive ONLY on their Incomes/Salaries whilst in Government, they MUST also pay Income Taxes, etc, on the Parliamentary Salaries, receive ONLY the same amount and level of Pension ( subjected to the same rules, etc, as everyone else, i.e. Assets Tested, etc,) NO lurks and Perks, etc, as they receive now both during their time in Parliament and upon retirement, and,

B) Politicians salaries SHOULD be on a Productivity Sliding Scale, i.e. the more they achieve for the benefit of the Nation and the WHOLE Population they receive a modest increase and vice versa.


Yes, the ALP has totally lost its way. The only good thing that can be said about it is that it's not quite as awful as the alternative.

Coffeo Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

Thanks for the interesting post. I became a citizen two years ago and, following the politics here neither party seem to be up to the job. I thought Turnbull might be a good option as he seemed the most statesman like of all the contenders.

As with UK it seems like a fight for the middle ground so no difference between the main contenders. Is there a site that can give reliable information with regard to who offers what?

I now the two main parties are a non starter for me. I’d just like an unbiased viewpoint of what the others represent.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

The problem with fighting over the middle ground is, the middle ground has shifted to the right, and to the more religious, worldwide.


Thank you for a very eloquent explanation.It was almost as if a virus had infected the Labour parties of the Western world. I had some hope when Paul Keating became PM, but the pompous catholic Kevin Rudd, who changed his views on marriage for all after the tide had already turned, was a great disappointment Despite his attempts to introduce a long overdue minig tax.
The current Labor Party is a waste of space.


@DragonDust ?

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