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Whilst the following was specifically targeting Australians and based upon Australian research much of it will be of interest if not benefit to everyone around the world.
Here is the link to the Council on the Ageing in Australia 2018 wrap up reports. Note for non Oz readers - Australia shuts down for xmess and summer holidays in January. This may explain why many organisations schedule major reports for this time - for either the reason that what the report will not be considered holiday reading and do not be given coverage or because of lack of other news be given greater than expected coverage on a slow news day.

The most significant fact that I gleaned from the summary that I read is the fact that in this young country 30% of its population is now more than 50 years old but the average age is only 38.

The inaugural "State of the (Older) Nation" report looks at the issues for older people in relation to employment (⅓ are still employed), age discrimination, cost of living, financial security, health, home, aged care, housing, later life planning, consumer rights and transport.


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FrayedBear 9 Jan 8
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@SiouxCitySue and @thinktwice, I was told a few weeks ago that the medical staff were so impressed at my rapid walking and extent of joint flexibility within hours of surgery replacing my knee joint with prosthetics in October 2018 that they have now changed local procedures. All intending patients now have to undertake two months of pre-operation physiotherapy before they are allowed to have the replacement.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 25, 2019

For anyone who cares, I'm a 75 year old woman, had both knees replaced (a year and a half apart) over 10 years ago. After the first one, the second was a (almost) piece of cake. I did the required physical therapy and pushed myself to do more because I figured I had a few years to use them and I didn't want to mess with any more surgery of any kind. I found that regular walking for at least 30 minutes twice a day helped with the muscle strength that is lost and occasional hiking up and down hills was great therapy also. Get a dog or cat to walk with, they insist on it. Or a really good friend that will bully you into walking when you are whiney.

Well done. I have found stair walking at the biggest building in town - 4 floors, 88 stairs, has been an enormous help in the re-attaining normal left right foot placement as opposed to lift one foot drag the other method together with strengthening thigh and heart muscle. My parents were great walkers my mother living til 94 and my father about 80.


The most important aspect of my ageing years will be in being physically and mentally healthy, pain and dementia-free ... Oh and the right complementary female companion although not essential would be preferred.


Very interesting report...thanks for sharing...

Seems that most of the same issues apply here in the USA as well...

I am particularly pleased to see that many feel they are at least 10 years younger than their birth is a sign of vitality, keeping up with changes, and having a positive outlook.

I am dismayed that health issues remain a major concern for us all, and yet one thing seems to stand out: people are not getting enough exercise to assist themselves in improving their health. I am not sure if they are already unable to or just don't...but I think the message is that it is something that we can individually control...I am a big proponent of "using it or losing it" especially as we age.

I think now is the time for our age group to be active in our local politics and community to be sure to address many of these issues.

Again, thanks for posting...

Like America, big problems with obesity, over drinking, over eating and recreational drugs. I have attended a gentle exercise group twice a week for about five years now and very much credit it with having rapidly recovered from my recent knee replacement.

@FrayedBear Good for you! I have having surgery tomorrow on my knee...a torn meniscus!

I do think that we, as an older population, are probably much more aware of our own ticking clocks and what we can to to help ourselves prolong our lives...I have seen many of my friends finally give up smoking, lessen use of recreational drugs and drinking, etc. The gym I go to focuses on functional exercises and it is crowded with people our age...we all want to be able to get off the toilet, carry groceries, etc.

Of course, there is always that group that prefers to whine and bemoan their failing health when they have done nothing to help themselves...that is not the group I prefer to keep company with...

@thinktwice Swift recovery from the surgery.

@thinktwice How did your surgery go? All ok now?

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