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Buzz Off! It's hard to keep still taking shots of these guys, I'm somewhat allergic...

Johnsalterego 8 May 18
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Absolutely fantastic photographs!


These are very nice photos. The last one surprised me a bit. Glad they don't fly.


They are all incredible. Purple is my favorite color but they are all awesome.

gigihein Level 8 May 18, 2018

Be good to the bees. Pollinators are a good thing.

Razorjelly Level 7 May 18, 2018

Those are great. I feel the pain lol. I used to chase bees when I had my old camera it was great for close ups of bugs. I would be bent over chasing bees from flower to flower before class. I would always get someone asking what in the heck am I doing lol. Testing how fast I can run while bent to the knees looking straight at the ground of course.

VNCallan Level 5 May 18, 2018

GREAT shots of our endangered pollinators!!! Most of the time while there is plenty to eat they won't sting, but as the summer ends they can get more agressive.
If you hit or squash one they will sting.
have you seen the giant wasp? They are huge!!


Great pics... Some fuzzy bees - some wasps.

I'm terribly allergic but I really don't fear them? I carry Epi Pens too lol

RavenCT Level 9 May 18, 2018

STILL! That is the key I learned as a child when I got stung repeatedly by a wasp. Scared to death of them as a child, I was. Now, I tell people to be still when a bee is flying around them, instead of bobbing and weaving and flailing. If course, if you're getting these great closeups, you already have a pretty good handle on that.

DotLewis Level 7 May 18, 2018

@Johnsalterego GOOD thing to learn. I remained nervous around bees for years but I learned that if I don't move and don't swat or try to shoo the with my hands, they will leave pretty quickly. Have had them land on my, takes some self control to not go "AARRRRRRGGG!" while waving my arms in the air and running away. In my old age, I'm more zen and don't get so excited about them.

Now spiders are another story. I will catch and release (OUTSIDE!) unless it is a brown recluse, which we do have around here but if one walks on me, touches me, that's it, gotta move fast!
Interestingly, this was a pet of mine several years ago. She got caught in that dog bowl cat trap. 🙂 Put her in a small cage for a while, caught bugs for her then after a few weeks, released her at a distance from my house, just in case she had homing instincts. Her name was Hairyetta Spider.
*note dime in foreground for scale.


Bee careful!!

BeeHappy Level 9 May 18, 2018

Great pics!

JimmyM Level 7 May 18, 2018

Nice shots!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 18, 2018
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