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I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree. She also thought flipping over was her glamor shot and i have plenty of those. Jet sees the camera come out cuz he eats on the floor lying down and his food is all over the floor and on his front feet but he won't let me photo that. He runs from the camera. Maybe he thinks the camera steals one's soul and he likes his just fine. Anyone else have a camera shy dog? What's going on in their head anyway? He also runs around with leaves and stuff from the ground all stuck to his belly. It's funny but I can't ever get a shot of that. I would add a photo but camera out/he Runs.
Camera runs.

K9Kohle789 8 Nov 24
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My best friend is not camera shy but he does not react at all with the TV. Don't know whether he cannot see it or he just does not give a damm. Even when there are dogs barking on TV or dog shows, he seems not to notice, yet from behind heavy curtains he knows when other dogs walk along the footpath outside the house.
I think each dog is a unique individual, sometimes very eccentric

@K9Kohle789 Monty never barks when he is awake, but will howl at the fire test sirens

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Posted by K9Kohle789I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree.

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