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Let's talk keyboards::: What do you use, have tried, prefer????

Just like people who spend hours in chairs need a well built, often expensive, chair, to perform at their best for all those hours, those who use keyboards for hours should have a tool to fit the task.

I mostly prefer/use heavy keyboards that use PS2 connectors. I do not like laptop keyboards. But since I am using the laptop more, I'm thinkin about an external KB, just like i use a mouse. (I particularly hate the new mouse pads that have the buttons as part of the pad. Really stupid.)

I am leaning toward the new version from QwerkyToys. []

But i find many on amazon,... that are more expensive and less.
penna, hellboy,...

I like that the platen knob works. This is an interesting feature to use with Scrivener which has a typewriter mode, which keeps the current line in the middle of the screen.


This company builds to order:

This looks interesting, but no company info: information:[]

JacarC 8 Sep 27
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I write and edit on the go a lot. Sometimes I'm stuck with a 15-inch laptop keyboard. Sometimes I'm stuck on a folding blue tooth keyboard and an iPad. I prefer to use a full sized keyboard (I'm not even picky about the type), but I rarely have the luxury of sitting at a desktop. I started on a typewriter (not electric), so I try to stay grateful.

Lysistrata Level 7 Sep 29, 2018

The typewriter is a user interface. It provides tools that do not exist in other UI devices. Keeping the line of attention in the center of the page/screen lessens mental distraction, and thereby increases focus and productivity. Any distraction, conscious or not, interferes with depth.

There is a profound connection between eyes, fingers, and platen knob as it rotates lines into focus. No other current UI device can do this: arrow keys, mouse, wheel, pad, strip, pen,...

I am sure the typewriter view of software will be greatly enhanced with an input device that is designed to use the typewriter view.

JacarC Level 8 Sep 28, 2018

I do not like any LT keyboard. And i am sure, we sorta get used to what we have used. When i am in a place for a while, i use a KB with the laptop. Just like i use a mouse. (Mouse:: More control, and faster response,)

I am sure those of you who have not used a real keyboard will be amazed when you do so.

There are mechanical KBs that are quiet and still provide excellent tactile feedback.

This article provides some good reasons to use a real keyboard. "You Should Use A Mechanical Keyboard" []

I do wish there was a way to retro my 80+yr old woodstock to use bluetooth.

JacarC Level 8 Sep 28, 2018

For PCs most any usb keyboard with a medium amount of key travel works. Im with you on prefering physical buttons and keys to trackpads and touchscreens. I think the touch screen is a failure as a typing interface and despite the shitty trackball I prefer my blackberry days to my iphone days for phone typing. If I really want to write and feel a tactile keyboard Ill use my smith corona classic 30, a manual typewriter. Id like to try one of those retro button keyed typewriter style devices that can be used for phones, tablets, PC, Mac etc universally.

Wurlitzer Level 8 Sep 27, 2018

I've used typewriters and old PS2 keyboards with the annoying click when the key is depressed, didn't notice it before. I currently use a laptop with an aged keyboard. Sometimes the keys like to pop out and the plastic springs like to fly across the room. One day, I'll replace the keyboard. I have one I got off eBay, but I've been too busy writing to install it.

Gohan Level 7 Sep 27, 2018

i prefer a typewriter but i use a laptop for convenience. i was looking into the mechanical keyboards to have a neat-o toy. but for me, i thought it was just a distraction from getting some writing done. if it's time for a new keyboard for you, i say splurge and get what you want. i also use scrivener and cannot get into the typewriter view. i'm not sure why. i love a typewriter, but on the laptop, i just want it to be a laptop.


I agree with genessa. I have my laptop. period

TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 27, 2018

aww i can't help out here! i use a laptop! i had to use a regular computer at the library recently and was shocked to find how unused to it i was, after so many years of using one. the laptop spoiled me.


genessa Level 8 Sep 27, 2018
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