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So.....I've been in Minneapolis almost 2 weeks now, still looking for a place to live, and ran into this guy.

The Man From Ohio

I had an interesting albeit disappointing encounter today with a man from Ohio working here on a commercial kitchen for Cluster Truck. You guys know me, I prefer quiet, but when around people,’s been said that I’ve never met a stranger. Small talk ensued about construction challenges and traffic. Laughed about the clever name of the company. The conversation took a darker turn when he mentioned the kids walking out of school today.

Me: They want a safe environment to learn in. We went to school without the fear of being gunned down, why shouldn't they?

MFO: Oh, I have plenty of thoughts on that. (Chest puffs out, uh oh.)

Me: So what do you think has caused the increase in school shootings if not for the easy access and sheer number of guns in this country?

MFO: I'll tell ya what it is. It's that they took GOD out of the schools!

Me: God was never in public schools.

MFO: Well, they took PRAYER out!

Me. No, they didn't.

MFO: Well the government made it illegal to spank your kids. I got spanked and LEARNED from it. These brats don't know pain.

Me: It's not illegal to spank your children. It is illegal to abuse them. Personally, the spankings I received as a child just made me angrier. And the pain of losing your best friend due to the ever expanding gun culture in the country seems like an excellent reason to protest.

MFO: Well, nobody is taking away MY GUNS. I have a concealed carry license (pats his jacket pocket).

Me: Does that make you feel safer from being shot by a sniper intent on inflicting multiple casualties at any random place in this country?

MFO: It sure does.

Me: How?

MFO: Good guy with a gun missy.

Me: I’m 54 years old and would appreciate not being called “missy”. Study after study proves the myth of a “good guy with a gun” is either ineffective or causes more harm than good.

MFO: Well they aren't taking away my AR-15 either.

Me: What on earth do you need an AR-15 for?

MFO: I raise cattle. If there are bobcats, bears or coyotes, I will take them out with my AR-15.

Me: I’m not familiar with the flora and fauna in Ohio, but wouldn't a rifle or shotgun suffice?

MFO: Nope. My AR will do the job.

Me: Are you that bad of a shot?

(OK, likely not the smartest thing to say to a probably armed, quite large man, in a parking lot, but I stood my ground anyway. He obviously didn’t like my reference to his marksmanship abilities.)

He did agree to background checks, mentioned his military service briefly, and at first agreed kids should not be able to buy guns. Then he changed his mind stating if they can join the military, they should be able to buy any gun they want.

Me: Military issued weapons are a different subject. The draft is currently not in effect.
Civilians have no business owning them. I think the drinking age and age to enlist should be consistent at 21.

MFO: Well Trump's going to fix all that.

(I knew it, I just f***ing knew it. Well, I had nothing better to do, so.....)

Me: I'll bite. How exactly is he going to fix the fact that 98 people are killed by......bullets every day in this country. On our own soil.

MFO: 15 people a day are killed by texting.

Me: People should pay attention. Death by guns is third largest cause of death to the children in our country. How is that ok with you?

MFO: Parents need to spank their kids.

Me: Respectfully sir, you have not convinced me there is not a gun problem in OUR country, I can say with certainty that spanking children will not solve the problem. You have not given me sufficient reason to think that we have a need for assault rifles, and have not enlightened me as to how Trump is going to fix it all. And just a tidbit here, he is the most godless man ever to run anything. Unless affairs with porn stars and grabbing women by the pu**y is considered godly in your world.

(And yes, at this point I was still calm, but didn’t really care that he was probably armed. Too many witnesses milling about.)

MFO: This country needed shaking up. And that’s exactly what he’s doing!

Me: At what cost sir? Do your cattle need clean water? Are you ok footing the bill for corporations to get a tax cut? Did trickle down economics make you rich? Do you want our food supply to be safe? Our National Parks protected? The respect of the global community? Because in case you haven’t been paying attention, all of that and more are at risk. Now. Today. Do you love mother Russia?

(That last bit may have crossed his proverbial line in the sand, but I just couldn’t help it.)

MFO: You snowflakes are all the same. Whiners and takers.

Me: You are incorrect sir. And I only say “sir” because you are older than me. I have in no way whined during this now pointless conversation. I was attempting to understand your viewpoint - which is vague, at best. You cannot stand there just saying “God” and “spanking” and “Trump will fix it” and be taken seriously. The fact is, he is destroying our democracy. It will take decades to undue the damage he’s done. If we survive it. However you sir, are unreachable, so have a nice day.

MFO: Scoffs, starts walking away, turns and says “surive what?”

Me: (putting my arms over my head) Duck and cover sir. Duck and cover.

And that, my friends, was an encounter with what my dear friend Steve refers to as a member of the tribe, or more accurately a trump-nazi. Not the sharpest tools in the shed for sure. If anyone cares to attempt to convince me otherwise, you’re going to have to do better than that.

LillyMaeve77 4 Mar 15
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If he had brought up Roe vs Wade he would hit the trifecta of right-wing politics, or the "Three Gs" guns, god and gynecology. Well done!


You were very patient. I couldn't do it.

I was bored. 🙂

@LillyMaeve77 I still couldnt do it. Simply unbelievable.


You’re F’n amazing! That was fanf’ntabulous... I like to make up words that fit the scenario. And that’s the word I choose to use!! #snowflakemyass

bigfeetmn Level 4 June 5, 2018

Thanks! I like to make up words too.


You sound like you're much to intelligent to have spent so much time talking to that moron. You know that you couldn't change his mind about anything. Minneapolis is a lovely town, full of intelligent liberal people. There is a wonderful art scene, terrific museums. Perhaps a little too much religion, but sweet, with no pressure. Many years ago, I was engaged to a lovely young woman there and had plans to move to Minnesota. LOL, we planned to get married at Minnie Haha Falls, Unfortunately, things didn't work out for us. I don't know if I could've handled the winters.

eyeman100 Level 3 Mar 24, 2018

You're right to an extent. I really had nothing better to do and was curious if a 'northerner' would have anything more profound to say about the issue than a 'southerner'. The takeaway is there are rednecks everywhere with a small vocabulary and a lot of willful ignorance.


I often half-jokingly say, "I think, therefore I'm liberal." Mostly in reference to people similar to the lovely gentleman you related above.

I especially love it when they try to finalize their 'arguments' with "he won the election, get used to it." That spurs the whole electoral college debacle, and cries of how they don't want a 'high-falutin' egghead intellectual in charge. Because apparently rational thought is just so hard.

Sairavana Level 6 Mar 16, 2018

Is it weird that every time I saw "MFO" in your dialog, I read it as "MoFo"? 🙂

Although there are people in pretty much every group who are fueled primarily by emotion, and I have my problems with any political extreme, the Trump supporters are overwhelmingly driven by fear and rhetoric and this "shake things up" mentality without caring about facts or consequences. I get that they love to give the middle finger to the leftists who have spent decades denigrating them, but supporting DJT is the epitome of cutting their nose off to spite their face. Some of his supporters have wavered, the joke having lost its luster, and others have become disillusioned by in incompetent administration that clearly doesn't know what it's doing, but he still has unreasonably strong support, and the argument in favor remains one of emotion and irrationality.

resserts Level 8 Mar 15, 2018

Not weird at all. I was thinking it at I typed "MFO" - so that just makes you very intuitive. <3


It`s an odd thing but I had an argument with a guy on here who had similar views. My contention was the very same points that he and the NRA make for having such weapons are the same as N. Korea having nukes.

273kelvin Level 8 Mar 15, 2018

The problem with these people is that they do not process thought. They push what they have heard others, who they listen to, say. Repeating what a trump supporter says is not a reasonable answer to anything. Thinking is for the few who have learned how to do it. It is becoming a lost art.

Agree 100%. It was an interesting encounter. I just left Texas and am looking for a place to live in MN. It struck me how so many of the tribe are the same, regardless of location. Same "argument", same vague justifications for their beliefs. As an aside, I lived in Astoria as a child. My dad was in the Coast Guard. Love the NW.


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