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LINK We poured weapons into Syria– but only to good guys, the ‘NYT’ explains

A quote from an NYT article on Syria two years ago:

If the rebels had captured the area — where Alawites are the majority — a result would almost certainly have been sectarian mass murder. Many people in the region would have blamed the United States, which armed some of the rebels operating in the area. In this sense, the Russian intervention was a lucky thing for the Obama administration too. Andrew Exum, who worked in the Pentagon at the time, told me that the military drew up contingency plans for a rapid collapse of the regime. The planning sessions were talked about as “catastrophic success.”


"The mere mention of certain names or of criticism of this side or that in the Syrian War will bring forth heated reactions. But for those of us who are Americans the first concern should be our role and it is a simple fact that once again, the U.S. poured weapons into a conflict, with many of those we armed guilty of committing atrocities, atrocities that would have become genocide if they had won. The New York Times essentially admitted that in the piece by Robert Worth two years ago. What does one say about a term like 'catastrophic success'?

"But now the NYT is actively whitewashing our role with a childish piece of propaganda telling its readers we armed only honest trustworthy Boy Scouts, not these current horrible racist murdering dregs. The US would never arm anyone who didn’t live up to the highest moral standards. Look at the Saudis. Look at the Israelis.

"Add to that countless other regimes and groups that we have armed. And look at what we have done ourselves in Raqqa and Mosul. For [columnist Nicholas] Kristof, nothing we did arming the Free Syrian Army even registered. He was honest about Yemen a year ago, but he has forgotten about that as well, almost certainly because it started under Obama and can’t be blamed solely on Trump. He mentions the murder of Khashoggi, probably because he worked for an American newspaper (something Kristof mentions explicitly) and because this occurred under Trump."

altschmerz 9 Oct 28
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Essentially the NYT along with every major MSM news source has a ethical protocol to releasing a story that highly resembles US foreign policy. On one hand our government can really provide a decent means to humanitarian efforts, often more to natural disasters, less likely towards intervention on the other hand when a country is a dissident of the westernized global agenda. Within these news companies they tend to release good material at times that seem like they are actually the forth estate, working for the people. Then other times, most times, they are simply mouth pieces towards supporting the ruling class agenda. Donald Johnson did a marvelous job of separating the two here.

Here's the problem. Today I'm listening to the 1A program on NPR, talking about facebook starting their own new media. A women sends in a voice message mentioning she gets her news from MSNBC, Fox, local news and newspaper. Mention NYT and Wallstreet Journal. All MSM sources right? On top of that she's listening to NPR who is supported by most of if not all of the above! Stating if she clicks on a link, if it takes her to a place she doesn't know, bang, she's gone. You know me, she's prime material towards suffering from conditioning, perception management, falling easily into believing their false narratives. Never getting a true sense of contradicting material.

Now on the other hand you have a source like the NYT which Donald Johnson just exposed as having one journalist who speaks truth who contradicts another journalist in the same company. How do readers react to this without not seeing red flags?

I make the same complaint with Common Dreams and Thruthout. Which is why I always preach here to use those sites cautiously. The Black Agenda Report is also bad about this. This is why first learning you're being lead down a rabbit hole is imperative to then finding reliable journalist to pull you out to being able to recognize when those you don't know are digging the hole deeper. It take a deal of time to know this. And it's not impossible to get started down the hole. I find myself in it from time to time yet also. Which is why I try to keep my patience when I know someone is deep in the hole and I'm attempting to pull them out.

Wonderful lesson for all of us altschmerz! Thank you.


No surprise there. We do this a lot.

GreatNani Level 8 Oct 28, 2019

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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