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LINK Socialism Without Anti-Imperialism: A Different Flavor of Tyranny

I'm so happy I discovered Nicky' Reid's blog. We're totally on the same wavelength. "Sandernistas" (as she calls them) don't tolerate criticism of ol' Bernie too well, but (particularly in regards to his foreign policy) Bernie isn't the savior so many people seem to think he is. I wouldn't mind seeing him elected, though, for two reasons:

  1. When the entire Democratic establishment pushes back against any timid reform he tries to make, I think enough people will walk away from the party


  1. When Bernie shows himself to be the pseudo-hawk he is, genuine peaceniks will wake up too. (I hope.) The only problem is, genuine peaceniks are a rare species in the West!

"While America's last great socialist era was defined by diehard peaceniks like Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas, socialism 2.0 seems to have little to no room for the leftist cornerstone that brought me to socialism in the first place, Anti-Imperialism. Oh sure, Bernie pays lip-service to broad notions of peace, love and understanding, but the most left-wing class in modern Democratic Primary history can't seem to be bothered to give a fuck about war for longer than two debate questions and a soundbite ... Bernie Sanders has strongly endorsed every massacre ever thrown by a member of his surrogate party, including downright genocidal ones like Clinton's baby-killing sanctions regime in Iraq ...

"We've seen this specific perversion of leftism before, dearest motherfuckers, and it ain't got dick to do with Debs. It's a sick cousin of Bernie's other roll models, FDR and LBJ. A form of pro-war socialism that essentially amounts to blood and butter payola."

altschmerz 9 Feb 25
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The Dems will support Bernie and "fight" for his ideas and policies...............IF the Republicans control either part or both parts of Congress because they know they won't pass anything. If the Dems have control of both the House and Senate then the Dems will not support Bernie.


Well Sanders is the best choice that you are being given.

@altschmerz You desperately need a new proper left wing party. The 1% will do everything that they can to prevent it.

@altschmerz Which means that you are doomed to have politics ever moving to the right and almost a guarantee that you end up with fascism. Or do we call it millionairism? Somehow you've got to get private money out of elections.

@altschmerz Mon dieu, c'est merveilleuse! But are we talking public beheadings! Into baskets? Put up on stakes down Wall Street?
You realise of course that the power vacuum created would suck in further nasty power seekers.How do you decide who replaces them?

He seems to be the best choice. All you have to do though is look at how he's going about it! As the post and comments here suggest, he's lip service. If Sanders was actually serious he would be doing 2 things. Exposing the establishment for what they really are. And strongly suggesting how he would need help as the president to get his policies through the floors of both congresses. Which Piece2YourPuzzle correctly observes above, it being a practiced manor for about 5 decades now to move this country to the right.

Sanders will need a vast injection of like minded people to get anything done. He should also being explaining this and calling for his supporters to also look outside the party for help! His weakness is not rocking the boat enough. Which will drive those who are conditioned to the capitalist perception to vote for Trump.

Sanders needs to do like Ross Perot did. Spend money on a half hour of prime time TV and fully expose the establishment history from approximately the Reagan era, also including a full explanation of how his policies can be paid for. And the rest of us could spread that on the internet also!

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