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LINK As US Consigns Iranians to Death, Corporate Media Look the Other Way | FAIR

Covid-19 has hammered few countries as hard as it has hit Iran, which reports (as of April 8 ) 64,586 cases and 3,993 deaths. US sanctions are a major reason that Iranians are getting infected with and dying from the coronavirus in such large numbers: The US’s economic warfare softened Iran up for the pandemic well before its outbreak ...

Note also that demands are only made of Iran: The Iraqi forces allied with Iran have to stop their attacks on American troops that are in the country against the wishes of Iraq’s parliament, but the US doesn’t have to cease its attacks on them, let alone leave the country. Evidently, US forces in Iraq against the country’s democratic will should face no consequences for their violence, but Iran should be subject to economic throttling when its allies in the Iraqi military try to drive the US out.

altschmerz 9 Apr 9
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I just feel bad for the people, most of whom don't deserve this, especially considering it's our fault the current regime is in power in the first place.
If we hadn't arranged a coup in 1953, and installed the Shah, the clerics wouldn't have been able to take advantage of the ensuing revolution to take power.
Then we take this blueprint to South America (El Salvador, Honduras, et. al.) and brutally suppress civil rights there so we can have cheap bananas.
A Republican brainstorm, of course.
And don't forget the 'Contras!'

Storm1752 Level 8 Apr 12, 2020

If Iran didn't want sanctions placed on them then they should have acquiesced to putting a stop to furthering their prohibited nuclear program. I don't think the sanctions on Iran are a major factor to the spread of covid 19. The Iranian government hasn't put their country on lockdown to slow the spread of the virus and they delayed taking any action at all with recommendations to the Iranian people over social distancing and other suggestions.

The US is not the only country to impose sanctions. The EU, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Canada, Australia, Norway and Switzerland have all imposed sanctions, as well.

Iran put themselves in their present situation.



@altschmerz and that is not right. What applies to one should apply to all. However, there are probably reasons beyond what we know or think we know that creates grey areas and my guess is it has to do with greed and power....

I believe "to the victor goes the spoils"...Iraq should be the property of the US after we rid them of Sadam Hussein.

@altschmerz I don't just think its one person....its the entire government...its the elite.

@ArtemisDivine so you agree with world dominance over wars built on lies? Manufacture a false narrative to invade, conquer, and it becomes your property?

@William_Mary Don't put words in my mouth. That is not what I said. Do we know for sure that our invasion of Iraq was built on lies? No. Did we do it correctly? No, alot of mistakes were made. But Iraq is a haven for terrorists.

Saddam Hussein overtook his Gov't with a threat of death to the president because he was cowering to Iran. Saddam was part of the Bath party and after he took power, if anyone was against the party...they were executed. If anyone spoke against Saddam or the Bath party....they were executed.

Not sure what you believe about 9/11 but we wouldn't have invaded Iraq at that time if that didn't happen. Bin Laden admitted to heading the 9/11 attacks. They are taking the Qur'an, intepreting it and taking their interpretation to gain power.

Saddam would have been the next Hitler if we didn't invade. And do I think we should have took over Iraq? Sure do.

I'll respect your opinion and hope you enjoy your freedom to have one but mind you... in that environment you would have been executed.

@ArtemisDivine from your own reply above. "I believe "to the victor goes the spoils"...Iraq should be the property of the US after we rid them of Sadam Hussein." That's not me putting words anywhere. That's you putting them out there towards a sense of narrative in support.

Your one of the very few people who still don't realize there were no WMD's in Iraq or unwilling to admit it for what ever reason. Or that many other excuses that were also false when that one ran aground and debunked. So yes it was not only built on a lie but a number of them.

We made Iraq a haven for terrorists. Which has also been widely exposed when that false claim was used. Saddam went to great strengthens to keep them out which is why he was forced to rule that country with an iron fist. Which was understood after the invasion allowed terrorist in.

Saddam took power over Iraq with a degree of help from westernized backing as they watched. Why didn't they intervene then?

Bin Laden and Iraq have no correlation to 9/11.

Saddam didn't have anywhere near the strength of a 40's Germany in the degree of then modern war technology. The statement he could remotely be capable of being any such thing is simply ludicrous. His country lost millions in the war with Iran and was weakened with sanctions and western interference since that war. In which the US deceptively funded and supplied both sides with weapons. Which is where Saddam got his chemicals weapons, from the US. Most of the middle east were vastly able to stop Iraq from being anything like Germany if they had any fear of Saddam being foolish enough to attempt such a move.

You're also misinformed on your initial reply in regards to Iran. Iran, although late, like our own government, has implicated distance measures. And a vast majority of their problems are medical supplies and medicines due to sanctions on them. They are not the one who backed out of the nuclear agreement! Quite frankly they gives them the right to use it to their advantage to draw in support. It works well for North Korea, doesn't it? And quite frankly, listing all the vassal countries that the US uses towards sanctions as a foundation of legitimacy only tells me how cowardly they are to stand up to an imperialist bully in collaboration, to continue to survive and reap the rewards of the benefits that come off the backs off the working class in the US.

@William_Mary let's go with your original comment that I was referring to when I said "don't put words in my mouth"

"@ArtemisDivine so you agree with world dominance over wars built on lies? Manufacture a false narrative to invade, conquer, and it becomes your property?"

I never said I agreed with manufacturing lies to have an excuse to invade and conquer. I don't agree with that at all. If you are going to twist what I say to fit your narrative and use your big boy words to sound intelligent or try to make things confusing....We are done here.

Again, Bin Laden admitted to being involved with the 9/11 attacks, whether you want to believe it or not is not my issue....its yours. And Saddam may have not had the strength of Hitler at that time but it was in the making.

And Im not misinformed about reiterate, just because it doesn't fit your narrative doesn't mean it is false.


@ArtemisDivine You're joking of course.

@ArtemisDivine all I can say is, good luck with that. That's not me laughing at you, it's me crying for you.


This goes a bit deeper in that I was formerly able to watch Iranian news on their official English channel and now it seems that something is blocking that channel. It loads but is not watchable. Ignoring the certificate qualifications does not solve this problem. As this worldwide mess continues I look for other channels and steams to be blocked as well. Can't prove it yet, but it certainly looks this way. If you hate Iran maybe you don't remember it under the late Shah very well.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 9, 2020

The Shah was better than the current regime but let's face it, we screwed them but good in 1953 when we deposed their democratically-elected government in the first place.
By doing so we really screwed ourselves.


If only people would stop thinking other people are inferior or bad or nasty. Why, why, why can't people accept others as equals and their cultures as being no better, no worse than their own. Why does the USA hate so much of the world? Is it because it itself is a dying power lost in its greed? Iran has fantastic history as does Afghanistan. These are where the great Sufi mystics came from. These places built some of the most beautiful buildings in the world. This world is so fucked up.

I wouldn't go with hate so much as imperialistic endeavors. And of course race plays a major aspect in that from a long European history of the ruling class warfare of centuries.

Hate to tell you this but the Sufi mystics have about as much status as Jews in Iran these days.

@Storm1752 That's OK as I had no use for Islam. I just liked the Sufis.

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