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COVID-19: How to Destroy America from the Top Down

This crisis is offering us a striking demonstration of how an economy oriented around the whims of the rich brings death and destruction in its wake, writes Liz Theoharis, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign.


{It should no longer be possible to ignore the structural crisis of poverty and inequality that has been eating away at American society over these last decades. Historic unemployment numbers in recent weeks only reveal how expendable the majority of workers are in a crunch. This is happening at a moment when it’s ever clearer how many of the most “essential” tasks in our economy are done by the least well-paid workers. The ranks of the poor are widening at a startling clip, as many more of us are now experiencing what dire insecurity feels like in an economy built on non-unionized, low-wage work and part-time jobs.}

If you're one that still thinks a minimum wage of $15 is to much, quite frankly, you're just missing the whole picture. And you're simply guilty of making a poor diagnosis of our politics. I can't tress enough how important it is for each of us to take a little time in educating ourselves on the various aspects of our social structure. Relying only on the main stream corporate media to do this for you is purely futile. MSCM owns approximately 90% of a controlled information you hear and see, and 90% of it garbage meant to condition us within perception management.

For those new/ish to the group. I have a list sources on the Welcoming page that can provide a decent means to stay informed on all aspects of our society structure. Please spend some time each week using them. Save them. Feel free to post about what ever you find there that may be relevant to you and share it with us. []

{In order to respond to such a crisis and the growing needs of millions, it’s important to first acknowledge the deeper history of injustice and pain that brought us all here. In the last years of his life, Martin Luther King, Jr., put it well when he said that “the prescription for the cure rests with an accurate diagnosis of the disease.” To develop a cure not just for this virus but for a nation with the deepest kind of inequality at its core, what’s first needed (as with any disease) is an accurate diagnosis.

{Today, more than 38 million people officially live below the federal poverty line and, in truth, that figure should have shocked the nation into action before the coronavirus even arrived here. No such luck and here’s the real story anyway: the official measure of poverty, developed in 1964, doesn’t even take into account household expenses like health care, child care, housing, and transportation, not to speak of other costs that have burgeoned in recent decades. The world has undergone profound economic transformations over the last 66 years and yet this out-of-date measure, based on three times a family’s food budget, continues to shape policymaking at every level of government as well as the contours of the American political and moral imagination.}

At any given point in time an emergency that cost someone or a family $400 to $1000 dollars can wipe out their savings. If they have a savings. That's how you are measured today. Most of us on here might not fit that criteria. But they are in the millions on social media with the only access to it being a cell phone which is in sense a forcibly critical apparatus to have today. An expensive one at that!

{Over the past 50 years, for instance, rents have risen faster than income in every city. Before the coronavirus outbreak, there was not a single county in this country where a person making a minimum wage with a family could afford a two-bedroom apartment. No surprise then that, throughout this crisis, there has been a rise in rent strikes, housing takeovers, and calls for moratoriums on evictions. The quiet fact is that, in the last few decades, unemployment, underemployment, poverty, and homelessness have become ever more deeply and permanently structured into this society.}

At the end of this initial post I'll be reposting an interview Abby Martin did with Nithya Raman that addresses that and will evidently become a much wider problem due to this virus outbreak. More people will suffer to benefit the ruling elite. Homelessness will increase. And the corruptness in local, state, and national politics to this aspect of our social structure will vastly benefit the wealthy pushing more into the shadows to be forgotten. The MSCM will not intentionally cover this to any degree it needs to be. While Raman is in Los Angeles, you can add this story to essentially any part of the US.

{Since the government began transferring wealth from the poor to the very rich under the guise of “trickle-down” (but actually gusher-up) economics, key public institutions, labor unions, and the electoral process have been under attack. The healthcare system has been further privatized, public housing has been demolished, public water and sanitation systems have been held hostage by emergency managers, and the social safety net has been eviscerated.

In these same years, core government functions have been turned over to the private sector and the free market. The result: levels of poverty and inequality in this country now outmatch the Gilded Age. All of this, in turn, laid the groundwork for the rapid spread of death and disease via the Covid-19 pandemic and its disproportionate impact on poor people and people of color.}

{One state legislator was overheard telling lobbyists, “We finally cleaned out public housing in New Orleans. We couldn’t do it, but God did.” It hardly takes a stretch of the imagination to envision similar braggadocio in the post-coronavirus era.}

I guarantee you that same sentiment is resonating throughout our governments today in a number of aspects! !And neither Trump or Biden are going to change the course that brought us to today!

Homelessness Can Be Eradicated - Fight Big Real Estate with Nithya Raman

Abby Martin meets with Nithya Raman, progressive candidate for LA City Council in District 4, about her campaign to end homelessness in the nation's epicenter and how local politicians refuse to take easy actions to eradicate the phenomenon–but refuse to in the interests of big real estate developers.

"Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 Apr 26
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The biggest nonsense I see today is that so many want to claim COVID-19 is not real and is all about trying to take down an American president. Somehow the entire world is affected by this and it involves the two major American political parties. Fox news told them so. How in the hell could anybody pull this off and what would be the purpose? People should please not flatter themselves.

A lot of what we are hearing is sidelines of politics on "who will get the billions in 5G technology?" Rather than deal with it honestly a story is built around the virus to direct us away from anything having to do with China. Nobody is working together to get rid of the virus like they should be. Virus doubters now claim that almost all deaths are attributed to the virus just so institutions and hospitals can get money. If you believe all that hype you might end up with the virus. Some people are too dumb to follow instructions. Others in high places enjoy telling tall tales.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

"Nobody is working together to get rid of the virus like they should be."

That's not true. Cuba, China, and Venezuela especially are sending people around the globe to several countries to help combat this virus. While every westernized country selfishly accepts this help, they will return right back to demonizing them when it has slowed down enough this summer. China has been and will remain receiving false negative coverage through all this in the US even though those false narratives have been debunked. That's the only distraction that's being waged. To distract us from our own governments incompetence from their capitalist system that caused it to be so bad here and abroad.

@William_Mary You summed it up very nicely.


So what is the ultimate goal? To starve out the working class? Who will do the most menial work?

The planet contains, for the moment, an uncountable amount of slaves. As long as we allow the current system to continue we continue to fall into the cracks they create. This has been going on for several decades starting with Nixon and the China agreement. Our manufacturing jobs begin to take the hit, the slaves in China take the jobs. This slowly continues up to the Clinton administration with trade agreements Bush was working on as he left office. More manufacturing jobs to China, Mexico, and Canada. More slaves in Mexico to take our jobs and in Canada.

You're in Canada, feel free to express how trade agreements effected Canada. We lost a series of manufacturing in the auto industry, for example, due to rules in trade agreements. We had to agree to a percentage of our auto manufacturing to be outsourced to Canada and Mexico in which we use to do it all right here. Which became the first apparent reason made in America became a laughable statement. Almost everything we have now has parts that have been sub-assembled in another country, at best.

These trade agreements also devastated farming communities in Mexico which began the heightened migrant movement to the US. Now the slaves are willing to even come to the country in which has helped to upturn their lives. You can add this aspect to all of Latin America from the 80's when Reagan began his colonialist perpetual warring in their countries. Farming has been the most devastated industry globally from trade agreements. Add genetic engineered seeds to that issue now. That's another topic though.

Our entire work structure has been outsourced around the world killing our middle class for larger profits for the world ruling elite. Canada isn't any less responsible either.

Sometimes you seem to vision "we down here" paraphrasing, are the only one's that have lost our collective minds and such. But your country plays a large role in the very same world events. Your country just happens to be like Europe with better structured conditions and it's easy for all of you to point fingers at the madness we deal with. But with all due respect, I feel used! Venezuelans might feel used also when it comes to the sanctions and false narratives your country strongly support as it wants to get back to taking their gold.

You might have often caught me denouncing Caitlin Johnstone on a number of occasions. She does a wonderful job of recognizing our political corruption and the maddening support from the tribalist this system gets. I have posted a ton of her work here and agree with most of it. And will do so in the future most likely. She's from Australia by the way. But one thing funny about her, is she never confronts the politics or history of her own country which has a mirrored image of ours. She never ever correlates the collaboration her country follows with ours and Europe in world affairs and damages it has created. You'd never know her country is and has been in Afghanistan committing several war crimes and crimes on humanity as she always directs her middle east dissenting views only towards the US.

While I recognize we have a vast majority of people here living in a delusional reality that has been created for them, we almost deserve it to a point, but we are also getting used by the rest of the world under these conditions in a lot of respective ways. And quite frankly, I'll argue this is a large part of the sense of a world society that's letting us down as the rest of you take advantage as you watch your governments collaborate with the world elites to make this the process.

If we were to finally stand up and pull ourselves together and abandon this process, where would that leave the rest of you? Looking at the world strongest power under a better leadership of a new socialized vision to begin taking care of its own again within a much wider view to rebuild, no more elite ruling class calling the shots here. Call Russia and China. I'm curious to how that would go.

Maybe the nazi nationalist here have a good point after all. In a sense I can see how they feel. Tired of being used. They just aren't bright enough to vision a world society united.

@William_Mary Sorry I'm tired and partly fellasleep reading this. But I did read it and I'll try to answer you later. I can tell you that most Canadians hate Nafta. They hate the provisions where you can and do sue us for trying to be environmentally conscious. I know that we demanded from you and from Japan and no doubt other countries that if you insisted onselling us your cars we wanted you to at least do some of the manufacturing here.
By the way I hate Barrick Gold. We are a resource economy. Most of our resources are mined, collected exported by Amercan companies. Most of the logging that I see is done by American companies. Virtually all of our oil and gas is by American companies. Your country creams off our wealth and we get very little in return.

@rogerbenham right, you're making my point for me, where I wish it was with me.

We're stuck in a battle between our governments using us to enrich corporations for their failures. Neither being any better than the other within a collaborate scheme. Unless you believe you're government or corporations haven't sued us in the past. Or that the pipelines from your tar sand oil production hasn't polluted our lands. Especially upturning a number of native American communities.

Maybe our government and auto industry managed to force you into buying their automobiles, "we" really didn't have a choice in that. The wiser here supported Ross Perot and his thoughts on NAFTA. WE, were doing rather fine with you buying them at your own will before Michigan went to shit. Along with all the sub assembly factories throughout the states that provided certain parts. GM's Buick division loves China. Which has been a trend for decades, approximately 4 1/2 times the amount sold in the US are bought in China. A 2015 figure at nearly 1 million autos sold there.

So you get a strong sense of how Venezuelans feel. And how we feel.

@William_Mary All these trade deals are essentially created by multinational corporations flexing their muscles over governments for the advantage of those corporations.Ever since NAFTA came into being I have not noticed any free trade on my purchases from the USA. Everything pretty well that I buy from the states gets taxes and handling fees added at the border. UPS shipped stuff always.
Brian Muldroney one of our hated prime ministers left office and promptly joined Barrick Gold. Everything that that company does is horrible. Their treatment of indigenous peoples a disgrace to Canada.
We do try to get some labour input on our side of the border but when I see US owned companies shipping out whole logs and paying 25 cents a tree to the province my blood boils! In fact the whole complaint about BC lumber swamping your market is ridiculous since the vast bulk of the monet ends up in the States.
TG Safeway Canada is now Canadian owned. For years it paid no Canadian taxes by buying from Safeway USA and selling at a lower price in Canada thereby creating losses to counter their profits. No doubt they found ways to pay no USA taxes as well.
What pisses me off is that if we attempt to impose environmental restrictions your fucking corporations sue us. I hate the lot of them.

@rogerbenham yea I noticed your corporations hold like 70% of all claims in law suits per 2015.


But notice where a lot of that money goes? The lawyers make nearly a 1/3 in what the fines are that are handed out. Who gets the fines? It sure as hell isn't the people! And why are the law suits against the US at a drastically higher rate?



We're all getting bent over the fifth-wheel they're using to grease our asses with and fucked. If they're kind enough to use the grease. This essentially another taxation without representation that only benefits the corporations and politicians they own. Did your country have the pleasure of voting for these trade agreements? We did not. And if I remember right, the new modified version has vastly taken away the rights of people to sue corporations for damage.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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