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These are all articulation techniques towards delivering a message towards conforming information to develop a foundation of opinion. Propaganda is constantly confronting us from all aspects of information and our lives. I placed it in front of the others because all those after it form the conditions to reach the last, your perception.

Virtually everything we say and how we act can be tied to this by a large degree.

It can and is be used against us as a weapon. It's totally up to you to recognize when it is so. Politicians use it, every aspect of media uses it, I use it here in this group. Your computer uses it, your social media, it fills you email, TV, and radio with it. Your cell phone and computer collects your information to use it on you along with every purchase you make.

You must do the work to understand who is using it to deceive and control you or who has a genuine agenda to inform you. There is no shortage of opposing information to that which is out there to deceive you. You just have to be willing to find it and or ask for it.

If you struggle to ask the right questions and or quickly reject opposing information, you're probably trapped in the conditioning propaganda meant to deceive you. You're either unwilling to do the work or blissfully, or knowingly, don't want to know the truth. It's easier for you to confront the opposing information by attacking the presenter. I've seen this come in many forms. The worst being someone that can't provide a substantial debate towards a respectable discussion.

"Out Of The Illusion " Group.

William_Mary 8 May 17
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Enjoy being online again!

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I am new here. And have to say that I am so excited to find people of the same mind. It's really a relief. Wish we could all get together and have a pow wow (so to speak)

Welcome to the group and Agnostic Karri. I hope you find an enjoyable experience in both.


Yes the corporate own media now 24/7!!!

The obstructionist republican fascist are only part of the equation!!!


I see this everywhere. I keep trying to tell folks to wake up, to step out side the matrix that is controlling and shaping their perception...rethink things... nobody wants to know...

Alchemy Level 6 June 2, 2020

Of course we are conditioned, it starts from birth. Families are brought up to obey their parents, and do what they say without question, or face punishment.

This is the paradigm for society, where the 'higher classes' are brought up to believe that, like our parents, their role is to tell us what to think and to accept what we are told.

Working class people are assumed to be unintelligent. which higher classes use as a justification for their higher position in life; the working class are sheep and they are the shepherds.

But they in turn are assumed dull-minded by their superiors, whose views are equally dismissed as trivial and uninformed.

But who controls them? It would seem that the wealthy, politicians, and large corporations use their position to maximise their wealth , and profit, by any and all means. It is rather academic as to whether it is better to be aware of the various means that we are controlled and used to profit the 'elite' , or be in blissful ignorance, because there are few (if any) legitimate means by which society can be changed for the better.

Magister Level 6 June 1, 2020

I was with ya totally until the parting shot...fatalism is giving up before the last bell... you are almost there, then the "man" grabbed ya' by the nuts and you relinquished control... again! You gave up - "because there are few (if any) legitimate means by which society can be changed for the better."
We have all kinds of control, all kinds of power. We accept governance, nobody, especially not the society benefitting from our suppression, has the right, or privilege to expect us to stick to the stript.

Dont give up y'all. It is within each individuals power to chage the way things are. We dodnt have too.

@Alchemy But I have not given up. I was just highlighting the difficulty there is in sealing with this elusive and diffuse 'elite'. I am fighting against it, but it need more people to stand up and say that enough is enough.
It is everyone's duty, but I see so many sheep around me, who when it comes to brass tacks they will neither back you nor protest themselves.

It seems that many, like sheep, are anxious to be told what to do and how to lead their lives, because they cannot figure things out for themselves. If someone comes along who will stand up and try to make changes, they are too scared to follow them, just in case they aree thought to be troublemakers, so they stick with the status quo.

They are the sheep that don't live long enough to become mutton


Your vision is adequate; you see the sheep.

Where will you get the energy to act as if the sheep are not blocking your path?


Can you moderate your idealism?

@yvilletom sorry, I don't understand. I am talking about perspective, not idealism. I hate boxes... my perepective. I hate the system, I KNOW IT CAN BE changed and gotten around. That's why I get cranky about people relinquishing their power...we don't have to do what the "man" says. We give up our power because it is easier in tue short runband doesn't require exertion - We don't have to!

@Alchemy Seeing people relinquish their power saddens me.
I used to get cranky. In time learned I had to persuade them. I took more time to learn how to persuade them. I’m still learning who I won’t be able to persuade, and moving on cuz there are others out there.
BTW, I studied math but liked physics more.

@yvilletom Any suggestion would be gratefully received. Long term Ill-health is getting to the stage that I barely have the energy to get through the day.


Healing my learned helplessness was my 2nd career. Healing that of others would be a wonderful 3rd career.

@yvilletom wow, math and physics... my 2 fave subjects... I drive people batty with my stance that truth is truth. I keep telling folks that we need to start by teaching kids mathmatics as a universal language and the laws of physics as the basis for all other knowledge... but as nobody is likely to appoint me godhood... I home schooled my 5 kids. I used this approach with them... my oldest son is a mathematician and his fave subject was physics...the rest of my kids are still uncommitted and pursuing undergraduate degrees.


I drive some people here batty by insisting that science requires evidence. Cosmology has no evidence and science fiction gets them excited.I admire your home schooling your five kids. I was one of five and, with the GI Bill, was the first to go to college.


I think I may just moved somewhere out in the country, living all by myself, without television or internet.

Jolanta Level 9 May 28, 2020
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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